Roll Call: We must do better

  • Published
  • By Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs Command Information
The Air Force senior enlisted Airman released the latest installment of Roll Call, urging Airmen to stand as one to eliminate sexual assault.

“Even with our various specialties, we know our strength comes from our ability to stand as one,” said Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody. “It’s the strength that has delivered the world’s most powerful airpower, and the strength we need to eliminate an unfortunate but all too real enemy: sexual assault.”

The prevalence rate of unwanted sexual contact has decreased for both women and men. Reporting has increased over the last three years, a positive indication of confidence by the force.

“The decrease in prevalence and increase in reporting is an encouraging sign,” Cody wrote, “but the crime still exists.”

To view this month’s Roll Call, click here.