AF selects 8,446 for promotion to technical sergeant Published June 9, 2015 By Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- The Air Force selected 8,446 staff sergeants for promotion to technical sergeant, officials announced June 9. Selectees represent 23.55 percent of the 35,863 eligible. To see the selection list, go to the Air Force Portal and select the promotion link, or go to myPers and select "Any" from the drop-down search menu and enter "Active Duty: Enlisted Promotions Home Page" in the search window. Scroll down to "Promotion Selects and Statistics." Airmen selected for technical sergeant will be promoted according to their promotion sequence number beginning in August. Selections are tentative until the data verification process is complete, which is no later than 10 days after the promotion release date. Personnel officials will notify Airmen, via military personnel sections, if their selection is in question. Airmen will be able to access their score notices on the Virtual Military Personnel Flight, accessible via the secure applications page and the Air Force Portal. For more information about Air Force personnel programs go to myPers. Individuals who do not have a myPers account can request one by following the instructions on the Air Force Retirees Services website.