AF earns 10 Federal Energy, Water Management Awards Published July 22, 2015 By Doug Tucker Infrastructure Energy Policy and Programs WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Saving energy and money while also helping the environment earned the Air Force 10 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards -- the most received by any federal agency. A total of 32 awards, sponsored by the Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program, were awarded this year to recognize outstanding contributions toward increased energy and water efficiency, renewable energy, and vehicle fleet management. “I want to congratulate our Air Force award winners for the outstanding work they are doing to ensure we have resiliency, flexibility and continuity in our energy supplies,” said Miranda Ballentine, the assistant secretary of the Air Force for installations, environment and energy. “These individuals represent the best of what the Air Force has to offer.” Ballentine said by implementing innovative energy practices the Air Force improves mission assurance through energy assurance and making every dollar count. “Reducing the energy we need and improving the sustainability of our natural resources will have a positive impact on our future strategic environment,” she said. Roberto Guerrero, the Air Force deputy assistant secretary for operational energy, agreed. “It takes a lot of energy to execute our mission, and as a result, the Air Force is the largest single consumer of energy in the federal government,” he said. “These award winners demonstrate that improving the way we use energy and increasing our capabilities are both achievable results.” The winners, listed below, will receive their awards at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., later this year. The 2015 U.S. Air Force Federal Energy Management Program Award winners are: Career Exceptional Service Award - Timothy Pugh, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Program Award - Stephen Mellin, Cape Cod Air Force Station, Massachusetts - Reno Air National Guard Base, Reno, Nevada - Seymour-Johnson AFB, North Carolina - Dino Bonaldo, Jason Cook, Jerry Milliman, Tyler Nielsen and Brian O’Leary, AFSPC, Cheyenne Mountain AFS, Colorado - David Abbott, Karen Bastian, 2nd Lt. Mary Boyle, Anthony Hiatt and Brian Walsh, 75th Civil Engineering Squadron, Hill AFB, Utah - Morgan Benson, Jonathan Dalsfoist, Richard L. Hiatt and Griffith Turpin, 673rd CES, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska Project Award - Eglin AFB, Florida - Laughlin AFB, Texas - Gary Hodson, Nicholas Lobar, Michael Odenweller and Steve Perry, 100th CES, Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England For more information on the Air Force award winners, visit the Air Force Energy Office’s website. For a full list of 2015 award winners, visit the FEMP website.