April 22, 2022 DAF recognizes Holocaust Days of Remembrance by connecting the past to future operations The Department of the Air Force hosted a discussion April 19, featuring U.S. Army Chaplain (Col.) Laurence Bazer and retired U.S. Navy Chaplain (Capt.) Irving Elson on the theme of “Past Reflections for an Inclusive Future.”
April 22, 2022 Earth Day: Taking action today, assuring the mission of tomorrow As a steward of almost 9 million acres encompassing forests, prairies, deserts, wetlands, and coastal habitats, the Department of the Air Force recognizes the importance of protecting and sustaining the natural environment.
April 20, 2022 Purple Up: Celebrating military children Students and their families are encouraged to wear purple, which shows support and signifies the unique sacrifices military children make alongside their families, both home and abroad.