NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • Women Airforce Service Pilots and their fight for veteran status

    As we celebrate Veterans Day, let’s take a moment to remember the remarkable history of the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots as their story reminds us how imperative it is to remember the debts we owe to previous generations who safeguarded our democracy.

  • Domestic abuse, violence victim shares her story

    My husband was an active-duty soldier stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. The first time he failed a drug test and his leadership went to bat for him. Understandably, they didn’t want to leave him behind. He was demoted, put on extra duty for a month and ordered to briefly attend substance abuse

  • Why does my kid’s school need to know we are military?

    Every year my kid’s school asks me – multiple times – if we are military. It doesn’t matter where we live, they always want to know … during registration, enrollment, and mid-semester! Why do they care? Why does it matter? Should I tell them? For the longest time, I answered “No,” because I figured

  • To care for Airmen more than anyone thinks possible: Four Chaplains Day

    Four Chaplains – U.S. Army chaplains, Lt. George Fox, a Methodist minister; Lt. Alexander Goode, a Jewish rabbi; Lt. John Washington, a Roman Catholic priest; and Lt. Clark Poling, a Dutch Reformed minister – gave their lives as their final act reinforcing today’s vision of the Air Force Chaplains

  • Air Force is protecting Airmen while protecting the nation

    The critical responsibilities and missions of our 685,000 Total Force active duty, Guard and Reserve Airmen do not fade even during a pandemic. Across a worldwide enterprise, our Airmen must remain healthy so they can maintain full readiness and the capability to protect our nation’s security and

  • Connectedness: Key to organizational success

    Col. Carey Jones, 47th Operations Group commander at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, shares her thoughts on connection throughout a unit and key takeaways that lead to unit success.

  • Resiliency Toolkit: The power of a positive thought

    Many of you have probably been in a situation where nothing seems to be going right and every step you move forward, something hits you in the face, knocking you two steps back. In these moments, your biggest adversary becomes your own mind.

  • KC-46 hits milestone at Edwards AFB

    Fielding began last week on America’s newest air refueling tanker aircraft – the KC-46 Pegasus. Operationalizing a new military aircraft does not happen often, but when it does, it typically goes through Edwards Air Force Base – the center of the aerospace testing universe. Regardless of whether it

  • Chief Wright to Airmen: Know your retirement options

    The opt-in deadline for the Blended Retirement System is December 31, 2018.Make your decision knowing only you can determine which system is best for you, and understand that if you opt into BRS, it is irrevocable. You only have one chance to make this choice, so it’s imperative you and those

  • Multi-domain command and control is coming

    In his remarks during this year’s Air Force Association’s Air, Space, and Cyber Conference in National Harber, Maryland, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein explained the importance of Multi-Domain Command and Control in executing the nation’s next fight.

  • Not Forgotten

    When you walk into many dining facilities in the Air Force, you see it in the corner or off to the side: the lone chair and place setting. In the hurries of our day, we become numb to the sight of it: the Prisoner of War/Missing in Action table with a setting for someone who has never returned.

  • Revitalizing squadrons: A commander's perspective

    Over the course of a 20 year career, I have experienced some challenges at the squadron level due to decisions made by higher headquarters staff personnel that have negatively impacted squadrons or go against what a commander might think is best for their squadron.

  • Air Force Military Treatment Facilities pilot medical readiness

    Air Force Medicine has a non-stop global readiness mission. Medical Airmen must be prepared to deploy on short notice to provide life-saving and performance-enhancing healthcare in diverse, austere and isolated locations, and all Airmen must be medically ready to deploy. To achieve this readiness

  • Search for our fallen continues

    Drenched in sweat from the hot, humid Vietnam weather, our shovels breached the earth’s surface excavating the ground and placing it into buckets to be screened as we searched for one of our own.

  • Cherish every moment

    It’s 4 a.m., and a car parks outside the family home. Inside, a proud father of two takes one last look at his daughter and son before hugging his wife and walking out the door.As the car drives off, he stares out the window, hoping his wife and children will be all right for the next six months.

  • Be thankful for contributions of military spouses

    In my nearly 20 years of military service, I have moved 12 times. It is more frequent than most service members, but yet not that unusual. Along the way in my career, I picked up a spouse. She has moved a total of nine times in our 13 years of marriage. Our children are just breaking into double

  • Surviving the storm: My journey to recovery

    Last fall, I felt like I was losing my foundation. Within a short time frame, my best friend got a new assignment to California, and my supervisor, who had become my biggest mentor, left for a deployment. Soon after, I found myself significantly struggling to find my place as a new Airman, and

  • Stopping Sexual Assault – Not Just in April

    The truth is, the vast majority of Airmen we serve alongside have never – and will never – sexually assault another person in their lifetime. Let me say it again for the people in the back – the vast majority of our Airmen HAVE NEVER and WILL NEVER harm another person. Hard stop.

  • The OSD Logistics Fellows Program: A glimpse from inside

    Nearly 3 million men and women make up the Department of Defense; how few truly have opportunity for gaining insight and understanding of the origins of legislation, budget, policy, and oversight? The Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Logistics Fellowship provides selected logisticians the

  • Remembering Desert Storm: Where we are today in the Total Force Continuum

    A quarter of a century ago this week marked the opening salvo in Operation Desert Storm. The operation was an American shock and awe campaign to evict Saddam Hussein from Kuwait and displayed airpower that the world had not seen since Operation Linebacker II over Vietnam. I was honored to be part of

  • A true airpower giant

    We lost another Air Force hero this week. Brig. Gen. James Robinson “Robbie” Risner was part of that legendary group who served in three wars, built an Air Force, and gave us an enduring example of courage and mission success.

  • Note to breast cancer: 'I am not your victim'

    What is often forgotten in the sea of pink are the individuals on the front lines who are actually fighting the disease. In the three months between the time football players stop wearing pink shoes and the Super Bowl, roughly 58,000 women and 500 men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast

  • What do you mean, 'Back to basics'?

    Last September, in his first speech as the Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Welsh III advocated a back-to-basics approach for the Air Force. He noted that the missions of the Air Force have not changed over time, but rather, the terms by which we identify the missions have changed.

  • Hold self to a higher standard in uniform

    The other day as I was driving home from base, I noticed an individual driving erratically, speeding and running red lights -- just an ordinary California driver, right? Sadly, I could clearly see that this individual was wearing an Air Force uniform. This incident made me contemplate a few

  • Marilyn Monroe and the general

    Plastered across the pages of many magazines, blogs and newspapers last week were photos and stories about the untimely death of actress Marilyn Monroe 50 years ago. Some authors went beyond just simply discussing her beauty or sexual exploits and opined she was actually quite brilliant. Sources