Special needs families find support from DoD panel

  • Published
  • By Maj. Nicholas Sabula
  • Air Force News Service
Recently I had the opportunity to serve on a Defense Department advisory panel dealing with special needs issues across the military.

The panel's meeting last month in Alexandria, Va., was the third of its kind conducted by DOD's Office of Community Support for Military Families with Special Needs, or OSN, in the past year to address the Exceptional Family Member Program's family support priorities.

The panel was comprised of family representatives from all services, including active duty and reserves, and addressed communication issues and concerns from military families. The event was chaired by Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy Charles E. Milam.

As the father of three boys, one with autism, I took my role in the process very seriously. In reaching out for input from families through networking, meet-ups and even an unofficial online survey, I found myself not only serving not only as the Air Force representative, but also as a joint representative to all our families.

EFMP impacts a lot of families, with enrollment mandatory for active duty families with a special need. As of December, total EFMP service member enrollment was projected at 93,706 with numbers of EFMP family members estimated at 126,153 across services.

The program becomes especially important when planning and making a permanent change of station move. Some families need support before the move to determine if services are available for their particular special needs. Some find that they need family support assistance to navigate the system when they arrive at a new duty station. Contacts must be made with new school staff, to locate medical providers and work with a variety of offices to support providers on or off the installation.

During previous panels, we presented families' frustrations with accessing information and services and confusion about policy since each service implements a slightly different program. Lack of standardization and consistency at different installations were top priorities. The panel listed as its three key areas for improvement consistency of support, communication and health care.

What I found is that much of the work our panel initially identified and advocated for a year ago was taken to heart by leadership and we are seeing results. OSN recently completed the first phase of an analysis aimed at standardizing service support for special needs families across DOD. The analysis used a series of site visits to installation-level, headquarters-level and any centralized locations dealing with personnel, family support and assignment processes. The culminating activity was a review by the services to look at enrollment and identification; assignment coordination; overseas family travel; and family support.

Ultimately, the outcome is to consolidate these processes and make it easier for families to maintain support from location to location. Simple things like common forms, databases talking to each other, more user-friendly websites to help families as they transition from one location to another, accessibility of information to understand how to obtain care and support from available resources were all presented.

A TRICARE representative spoke about the health care management activity's efforts to improve communication with families and collaboration with OSN, such as simplifying online navigation. The representative discussed TRICARE's Patient Centered Medical Home, which the services are implementing and eventually will address many of the panel's issues related to lack of consistency of medical providers and timely access to specialty care. It places emphasis on personal relationships, team delivery of holistic care, coordination across medical specialties and settings, and increases access to affordable care.

EFMP representatives from each service's headquarters shared their efforts to improve communication and outreach, as well as awareness on adult-age children or spouses with special needs, respite care and other EFMP initiatives such as joint base support.

I was especially pleased to see that the services are working more closely together to build cohesion across the joint force. It might not sound like much, but as an Air Force family on an Army installation, such cohesion is important and reflects a readiness issue for the military community at large.

Perhaps the hardest part of participating in these panels has been the expectations of families after it ends. It's hard to tell families that their concerns were presented, but won't be fixed right now. As I've learned, the complexity of coordination and needed approvals at the department or service level means change typically gets accomplished at one speed: glacial.

Despite more work to be done, military families like mine with special needs should see some direct benefits from the recommendations brought forth through this panel, indicating the importance DOD is putting on listening to families' concerns and working to act on their issues.

There's still going to challenges with support and services in the short term, but the ball is rolling on lasting improvements to make things better for all our families.

Maj. Nicholas Sabula is a communication plans officer at the Defense Media Activity. He was selected to a 10-member panel as part of the Defense Department's Exceptional Family Member Program. He has a son with autism and, off-duty, is an advocate for military families dealing with autism.