A lighthouse called America

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Jim Hamrick
  • Headquarters Air Combat Command
Everyone is an individual beacon of dedication to our country and values. Combined, our beacons become a lighthouse for the entire world to see.

A lighthouse for all free people. A lighthouse guiding us and those who reside in the most forlorn regions of the world. When we stand tall and do the right thing, we light the way ahead and others follow.

Conversely, when our enemies see the strength of our light, they retreat to their hiding places. Our illuminating beam deters, detects and, if necessary, defeats the enemies of America and her allies.

How do we deter the enemy? We become beacons of professionalism. We carry out our duties with a new sense of resolve and commitment. We know our requirements and we execute them flawlessly. We document our lessons learned and tout our successes in public forums. Let our enemies see our strength and know we are ready -- they will be deterred.

How can we detect the enemy? We are sensors. Whether deployed far away or attending an event in the local community, remain vigilant. Always be on watch for the enemy. Illuminate the activities of those who wish to harm us.

We have resolve. Those enemies not deterred will feel our wrath. When the enemy attacks, we will defend and, if necessary, we will attack. Seek out the backwater strongholds of the enemy and destroy them. Attack the enemy out of the blackness of night skies, from the depths of the oceans, and on cat feet in their own backyards. Defeat the enemy and reveal the foolishness of their ways in the light of explosions and the red glow of lasers.

Our lighthouse will shine for all free people even as we bring to justice the enemies of America. The world will witness the goodwill of Americans -- the exhaustive efforts taken to minimize civilian casualties and care for people displaced in war-torn regions. Our actions will illuminate the vast differences between our enemies and us.

As an American, you are a beacon for the world. Your beacon is part of a lighthouse that guides the people of the world toward freedom and away from dictators, tyrants, and demagogues. Always shine your light proudly for all to see. You are part of the lighthouse called America. (Courtesy Air Combat Command News Service)