Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians


  • Commentary: Leadership lessons from my deathbed

    On August 15, 2022, I asked to relinquish command after only 15 months in the seat. My commander, having watched my health rapidly decline over the past few months, to include losing large chunks of my hair, agreed.

  • Our share of the task

    Just like the American spirit, our mentality in the military is always “can do,” never say quit, and never say you cannot complete your mission.

  • Living with a mental illness

    Most people do not recognize mental illness when they see it. People can readily see and empathize with a physical injury or illness but not everyone can relate to an injury of the brain or emotional difficulties. Mental health professionals work hard to bring awareness to psychiatric problems and

  • 15 seconds: A rude awakening

    Gut-wrenching screams, the shattering of glass, the unforgettable sounds of metal twisting and bending all around me. My truck rolling over and over and over again. I thought those were going to be my last memories.