Air Power


  • Determined to Serve: Critical care nurse joins Reserve at age 50

    It was stories like this one that made Capt. Jennifer McGuigan feel particularly close to the families of the veterans in her care. Her children were only 8 and 9 at the time, but his words forever changed how she viewed the families of the veterans under her care.

  • USAF Honor Guard Drill Team builds new routine, bonds

    Originally stationed in Washington, D.C., the U.S Air Force Honor Guard drill team travels to Keesler Air Force Base for five weeks at the beginning of every year to develop and perfect their new routine. They practice formations, steps and sequences to prepare for the unveiling of the routine they

  • Keesler AFB instructor named combat control NCO of the Year

    “Whenever I look at my accomplishments I will always think it’s miniscule next to the guys who are in (the career field) all the time, while all I did was go on a deployment and came back to being an instructor,” said Tech. Sgt. James Sparks, 352nd Battlefield Airmen Training Squadron Detachment 1