NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • US completes withdrawal from AB 201

    The Air Base 201 turnover is a significant milestone in the U.S. military withdrawal from Niger and was a byproduct of effective cooperation and communication between both nations.

  • AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • CMSAF Bass visits West Africa

    The U.S. has two cooperative security locations in Niger; Air Base 101, Niamey and Air Base 201, Agaedez. During her three-day visit, Bass met with U.S. Airmen and joint force mission partners to gain first-hand knowledge of how Airmen deter and defeat violent extremism in Sahel to enable a more

  • VCSAF visits Nigerien Air Base 201

    Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Stephen W. Wilson met with Airmen from Nigerien Air Base 201 in Agadez, Niger, Sept. 23. The stop was one of eight bases included in the vice chief's tour focused on the initiatives of Airmen in deployed locations.

  • US EOD, air advisors train Nigerian Armed Forces

    To expand the U.S. and Nigerian partnership, members of the 768th EABS explosive ordnance disposal team, assisted by 768th EABS Security Forces air advisors, trained Genie Unit members of the Nigerian Armed Forces during the course, which is part of a curriculum spanning several months.

  • Airmen save missing child, sharpen interoperability

    Recently, an 822nd Expeditionary Base Defense Squadron Security Forces patrol team collaborated with local military members to rescue a two-year-old girl, after being notified by local villagers that she was lost near Nigerien Air Base 201.