NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • How to: The Airman Comprehensive Assessment

    It has been nearly half a year since the release and implementation of the new Airman Comprehensive Assessment, a comprehensive worksheet that aids in creating feedback between a supervisor/rater and their ratee. reviews the form that guides supervisors through the conversation with their

  • AF to implement new feedback process July 1

    In a recent message to Airmen, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Cody announced plans to begin implementing a more comprehensive Air Force evaluation system for officers and enlisted members. The first step in the process will be the July 1

  • AF releases new feedback forms

    During the past year, Air Force leaders have been shaping a new and more comprehensive Air Force evaluation system for officers and enlisted Airmen.The new system is designed to better meet the needs of the Air Force and Airmen, differentiate more effectively between good and great performers, and