Aug. 23, 2019 Around the Air Force: Staff Sergeant Promotions Results / Innovative Readiness Training Today's look around the Air Force features staff sergeant promotion results, 419th Civil Engineering Squadron helping rebuild a remote Alaskan town and the U.S. participating in the Five Eyes Air Force Interoperability Council. (Hosted by Staff Sgt. Anastasia Tompkins) For previous episodes, click
Aug. 9, 2019 7th EMS receives augmented reality welding system, improves real-world welding The 7th Equipment Maintenance Squadron metals technology section recently received an augmented reality welding system to improve real-world welding.
Aug. 28, 2018 Chill, cryogenics has what you need Providing the base and various other units on the island with cryogenic products – whether it be in a liquid or gaseous form – is the plant’s priority.