NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • BLUE: The AI Advantage

    The Air Force aims to harness and wield the most optimal forms of artificial intelligence to accomplish all mission-sets of the service with greater speed and accuracy. One way to accomplish this effort is by embedding innovative Airmen of all ranks and backgrounds into academia and industry across

  • BLUE: Target Acquisition

    To meet emerging threats and maintain domain dominance, the Air Force is moving beyond antiquated acquisition processes and opening new avenues to smaller, more agile businesses to develop and acquire new technology.

  • An introduction – Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett

    Barbara M. Barrett is a lawyer, a rancher and instrument-rated pilot with a long history of corporate and federal service, including serving as ambassador to Finland and in senior positions with the Federal Aviation Administration and Civil Aeronautics Board. Before she was 30, she was an executive