May 7, 2022 History, telework, life advice, more featured at AFMC town hall Air Force Materiel Command leadership hosted a virtual town hall, May 3, providing insights on current command issues alongside a dose of trivia and career advice to an online audience exceeding 3,000.
Oct. 25, 2021 Telework supplement continues to drive AFMC culture change The AFMC supplement includes clarifications on remote work policies, service member guidelines, locality pay and leave guidance, civilian fitness policy and more. The supplement also includes multiple decision support tools to help guide supervisors and employees on telework-related eligibilities
May 18, 2021 DAF releases update on telework, remote work guidance The DAF guidance memorandum, DoDI1035.01_DAFI 36-816 Telework Program, provides necessary clarification and expands the Department’s use of telework and remote work based on current lessons learned, pending a comprehensive review of the Department of the Air Force telework program.
May 15, 2021 Air Force readies for return to enhanced CHES collaboration As Microsoft Commercial Virtual Remote Teams phases out on June 15, a cross-functional team of Air Force communication and acquisition experts are working diligently to welcome the workforce back to the enterprise Office 365 platform, primed to offer more robust features than ever before.
Feb. 15, 2021 AFMC town hall addresses vaccines, telework, command climate The 90-minute event yielded more than 500 questions and comments from across the command, with the leadership team providing frank, honest responses across a myriad of subject areas.
May 3, 2020 A-10 continues operations after engineers assess battlefield repair Despite the challenge of teleworking, an Air Force Life Cycle Management Center team of engineers from the A-10 Division at Hill Air Force Base, Utah was formed to assess the damage.
April 23, 2020 Bring safety home By encouraging prevention measures and making modifications to ensure all essential missions get off the ground, many now find themselves supporting the Air Force mission to ‘fly, fight, and win’ from a home office.
April 17, 2020 Around the Air Force: A New Normal and A Message to Parents Today's look Around the Air Force features Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein addressing Air Force parents about COVID-19 concerns and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright begins a weekly video series, “The New Normal.”
March 26, 2020 DISA renews antivirus software license agreement helping teleworkers keep machines safe at home The DoD Antivirus Software License Agreement with McAfee allows active DoD employees to utilize the antivirus software for home use.