Aug. 8, 2023 Red Flag 23-3: Uniting US armed forces Red Flag 23-3 has come to a close for more than 2,000 U.S. Air Force, Space Force, Marine Corps, Navy and Air National Guard that ran from July 17 to August 4.
Feb. 5, 2022 388th OSS providing combat intelligence for Red Flag’s joint force As part of the 388th Fighter Wing’s ‘lead wing’ role at Red Flag, Airmen from the 388th Operations Support Squadron’s Intelligence Flight are scoping out the Red Air adversary.
Aug. 31, 2021 US, Australian forces strengthen coalition air dominance in Red Flag-Alaska 21-3 Red Flag-Alaska 21-3 concluded at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson Aug. 27, strengthening interoperability and showcasing air dominance in the Indo-Pacific region.