Oct. 6, 2022 DAF reaches DAF365 Enterprise Services migration milestone The Air Force Enterprise Information Services SharePoint Team has completed the final major migration milestone to the Microsoft Office 365 collaboration platform.
July 22, 2020 Air Force hits key milestones with commercial IT In June, the Enterprise IT-as-a-Service Integrated Program Office, headquartered at Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., began migrating users at a number of military installations to commercially available networks provided by both AT&T and Microsoft.
Feb. 13, 2018 AF upgrades to Windows 10 In accordance with the Department of Defense mandate, the Air Force must complete the Microsoft Windows 10 migration by March 31, 2018. Any operating system not upgraded by the deadline will be denied access to the network.
Oct. 25, 2017 USTRANSCOM's cloud computing transition enhances cyber processes, protection U.S. Transportation Command is the first Defense Department organization to initiate migration of its cyber domain to a commercial cloud provider to improve mission assurance, while strengthening information technology efficiency and effectiveness.
April 6, 2017 Intelligence communications systems migrate worldwide While protecting the nation and seeking out the enemy, U.S. military forces must exchange sensitive information safely and securely. The Air Force Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System allows multi-media communications between authorized individuals by secure means, and in a timely
March 26, 2014 Secure application maintenance delayed to preserve TERA application window Server migration actions slated for March 27-28 will affect accessibility for Air Force Personnel Center secure applications, AFPC officials said Mar.26.