Oct. 12, 2018 Air Force, Hollywood partner during making of “First Man” Since the inception of the Air Force in 1947, film makers, novelists and even creators of video games have wanted to tell the tales of Airmen. The Air Force Public Affairs Entertainment Liaison office works to project and protect the image of the U.S. Air Force within the global entertainment
June 22, 2018 Holloman aircraft crash An A-29 Super Tucano crashed over the Red Rio Bombing Range at approximately 11:30 a.m. MDT today during a training flight as part of the Air Force's Light Attack Experiment.
June 12, 2018 Emerging infectious disease training event bolsters medical readiness A team of U.S. military doctors, public health specialists and members of various other career fields participated in a week-long Emerging Infectious Diseases Training Event June 4-8, 2018, in Panama during the New Horizons 2018 humanitarian training exercise. The event, aimed at enhancing attendee