NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • Liquid life

    Members of the 375th Logistics Readiness Squadron manage the supplemental liquid oxygen, or LOX, systems at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, and stand ready to support those who require LOX to accomplish their missions.

  • AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • Chill, cryogenics has what you need

    Providing the base and various other units on the island with cryogenic products – whether it be in a liquid or gaseous form – is the plant’s priority.

  • Into thin air: Liquid oxygen keeps pilots flying

    As an aircraft reaches a higher altitude, the air pressure decreases, sometimes leaving aircrews little air to breathe. When this happens, pilots and crew members are able to utilize the liquid oxygen provided by Airmen from the 36th Maintenance Squadron, thus enabling them to complete the mission.