NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • Around the Air Force: A New Normal and A Message to Parents

    Today's look Around the Air Force features Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein addressing Air Force parents about COVID-19 concerns and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright begins a weekly video series, “The New Normal.”

  • CSAF Survivor Advocacy Council conducts first meeting

    The council, created in October 2019, provides an opportunity for surviving family members to discuss with senior leaders the type of support services currently available and which they hope to see. The Survivor Advocacy Council was created to secure vectors to strengthen support to Air Force

  • Air Force mandates dedicated space for nursing mothers

    The policy enables commanders to support nursing mothers by outlining procedures and requirements for establishing a private, secure (lockable from the inside) and sanitary location for the purpose of breastfeeding and/or expressing breast milk.