NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • Eglin AFB hosts Emerald Flag

    The inaugural event brings more than 25 agencies to participate. It is a collaborative multi-service effort focused on increasing the effectiveness of the joint domain warfighter.

  • Orange Flag brings test data to warfighter

    Orange Flag is an exercise born from a need to maximize resources across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains to include joint and coalition forces. The exercise aims to bring test as close as possible to the warfighter through combat relevant testing early in the development cycle.

  • Defense, industry partners plan for future multi-domain conflicts

    Experts from across the Air Force and the Department of Defense’s joint community, as well as industry partners, came to CyberWorx to analyze a single, yet complicated problem-set: how do we operate in contested environments ensuring a steady-state of tactical C2 support?

  • Around the Air Force: Air, Space & Cyber

    Today's look around the Air Force features key topics and discussion points highlighted by Air Force leaders during the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium at National Harbor, Md. CMSAF Wright speaks about Suicide Awareness, CSAF speaks on Joint Warfighting, and Dawn Goldfein shares information on a

  • Around the Air Force: Air, Space & Cyber

    On this look around the Air Force, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein, shares his outlook at the Air Force Association’s 2019 Air, Space and Cyber Conference. His speech focused on multi-domain operations and the future Air Force.

  • CSAF visits Greenland

    Thule AFB supports three diverse mission sets: tactical warning of potential ballistic missile attacks against the United States and Canada as part of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System; providing space situational awareness by tracking manmade objects in orbit; and satellite command and

  • ACC commander speaks at Joint Warfighting Forum

    Air Force Gen. Mike Holmes delivered remarks to the audience of military and industry partners about the future of armed conflict and the importance of integrated systems of command and control.

  • Integrating SIGINT for multi-domain total force

    The 16th Intelligence Squadron set on a path to become a reserve component partner with the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, Oct. 1, 2014, creating a culture of seamless operations integration between active duty and reserve Airmen.

  • Arctic Anvil executes multi-domain operations on a large-scale

    Arctic Anvil is a joint, multi-national, force-on-force training exercise that included live, virtual and constructive elements. The purpose of the training was to prepare the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team for their rotation at the Army’s National Training Center in California early next year. NTC

  • CSAF highlights Airmen's role in nuclear mission

    Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein discussed the important role Barksdale Air Force Base Airmen perform in executing the nuclear deterrence and assurance mission during an all-call at the Weapons Load Training hangar, Oct. 17, 2017.

  • Goldfein: Future of war is networked, multi-domain

    Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein discussed the Air Force’s role in a networked and multi-domain environment during the Future of War Conference 2017 in Washington, D.C., March 21.

  • Goldfein: Multi-domain C2 is way of thinking

    Now eight months into his tenure, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein provided an Air Force update during the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida, March 2, 2017.