NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • 25th SecAF portrait unveiled during ceremony at Pentagon

    The official portrait of former Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett, who also previously served as the U.S. ambassador to Finland, was unveiled in the Pentagon Auditorium, May 13, during a tribute to the stateswomen who led the Department of the Air Force from 2019 to 2021.

  • Keesler AFB NCO derives purpose from her heart

    Senior Master Sgt. Jessica Player, Mathies Noncommissioned Officer Academy director of education, began contemplating her purpose after losing her family member. Growing up in the small town of Greensboro, Alabama, separation and racism was no rarity to Player. After reminiscing of her days as the

  • Independence Day message from Air Force leaders

    That same bold and courageous spirit put man on the moon 50 years ago. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and two Air Force Airmen, Michael Collins and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, crewed the famous Apollo 11 moon landing mission that produced those famous words we all know “…one giant leap for mankind.”

  • Command senior enlisted leaders attend European Air Forces Conference

    Approximately 22 participants from 19 countries, including the United States, discussed readiness, professional military education, process improvement, recruitment, retention and force resilience. These attributes enabled them to combine their knowledge and experience to enhance the

  • A picture worth 1,000 words: 30 years of heritage

    Glancing over a 1985 family portrait, a man is awestruck at the image of his younger self. The snapshot of his mother cradling him as his siblings welcomed back their father from a deployment captured a moment that was stronger than words.