AF announces major changes to space enterprise
The Air Force announced five major organization and management changes to its space enterprise April 4, 2017.
4/04 2017
Around the Air Force: March 31
On this look around the Air Force, Dr. Heather Wilson, the secretary of the Air Force nominee, answers questions from the Senate Armed Services Committee and Lt. Gen. Gina Grosso, the Air Force deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel and services, answers questions from a House Armed Services Committee Military Personnel subcommittee in regard to the Air Force’s pilot shortage.
3/31 2017
SecAF nominee testifies before Congress
Heather Wilson testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee during her confirmation hearing for secretary of the Air Force in Washington, D.C., March 30, 2017.
3/30 2017
Sexual assault, suicide prevention training integrate with ‘Green Dot’ approach
In 2016, the Air Force was introduced to Green Dot, an interactive training program designed to help Airmen intervene in and prevent situations of sexual and domestic violence, abuse and stalking. After conducting a pilot program with thousands of Airmen across five installations within Air Combat Command and U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Air Force officials have decided to integrate suicide prevention into Green Dot training for the Air Force.
3/30 2017
Everything is listening in the digital age
Today’s environment is filled with examples of technology designed to connect Airmen to the internet: smart phones, smart watches, and other common personal technology that is always capable of connection. While Airmen grow more connected to the digital world, the connections open the door to insider and external threats eager to use those vulnerabilities to subvert data, plant malicious code or simply activate that entry point for later use.
3/27 2017
Around the Air Force: March 7
On this look around the Air Force, acting Air Force Secretary Lisa S. Disbrow talks about the Air Force review and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright answers a question about the possibility of enlisted Airmen flyingMQ-9 Reapers.
3/07 2017
Disbrow delivers State of the AF
Acting Secretary of the Air Force Lisa S. Disbrow addressed current and future issues, and talked about some of the occasions the Air Force has to look forward to in 2017 during the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida, March 3.
3/03 2017
White House nominates Wilson to become Air Force secretary
President Donald Trump announced Jan. 23, that he intends to nominate Heather Wilson as Secretary of the Air Force.
1/26 2017
Disbrow to serve as acting AF secretary
Under secretary of the Air Force Lisa S. Disbrow will serve as the acting secretary of the Air Force as of Jan. 20, until the President nominates and the Senate confirms a permanent replacement.
1/23 2017
James awards Maxwell Airman two Silver Stars
Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James spent her final day in office honoring an Airman here Jan. 19, 2017.
Before a packed auditorium of base leadership, River Region community leaders and Air University students, James presented two Silver Star medals to Col. Christopher Barnett for his actions in Afghanistan in 2009 on two separate occasions.
1/20 2017