BRIGADIER GENERAL ROBERT E. GATLIFF Brigadier General Robert E. Gatliff is vice commander; 7th Air Force; vice commander, U.S. Air Forces Korea; and chief of staff, Combined Republic of Korea and U.S. Air Component Command, Osan Air Base, South Korea. As vice commander of 7th Air Force and vice commander of U.S. Air Forces Korea, he assists the commander in training and equipping in place U.S. Air Forces and assists in planning for and receiving follow-on air forces and support. As chief of staff of the Combined Republic of Korea and U.S. Air Command, he coordinates and directs planning for the execution of the combined air forces mission and assists the commander and vice commander in directing the combined forces air component mission. The general entered the Air Force in 1968 as a distinguished graduate of the Auburn University Reserve Officer Training Corps program. He has held a variety of assignments in flying and personnel fields, as well as command positions at the squadron and wing level. A command pilot with more than 3,400 hours in the T-38, A-7, F-105 and F-16, he flew more than 140 combat missions in Southeast Asia.EDUCATION1968 Bachelor of science degree in industrial management, Auburn University, Ala. 1975 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 1982 Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 1988 Master's degree in human resources management, Troy State University, Ala. 1988 Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.ASSIGNMENTS1. June 1968 - June 1969, student, undergraduate pilot training, Craig Air Force Base, Ala. 2. July 1969 - April 1970, student, F-105 combat crew training, McConnell Air Force Base, Kan. 3. May 1970 - September 1970, F-105 fighter pilot, 355th Tactical Fighter Wing, Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand 4. October 1970 - May 1971, F-105 fighter pilot, 388th Tactical Fighter Wing, Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand 5. June 1971 - August 1972, A-7D pilot, 333rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. 6. September 1972 - August 1978, instructor pilot, flight commander, 74th Tactical Fighter Squadron; weapons and tactics officer, 23rd Tactical Fighter Wing, England Air Force Base, La. 7. June 1974 - September 1974, A-7D, Fighter Weapons Instructor School, Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. 8. August 1978 - June 1981, directorate of personnel's assignment division, Headquarters Tactical Air Command, Langley Air Force Base, Va. 9. June 1981 - July 1982, student, Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 10. September 1982 - June 1983, assistant operations officer, 496th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Hahn Air Base, West Germany 11. June 1983 - February 1984, chief of weapons and tactics, 50th Tactical Fighter Wing, Hahn Air Base, West Germany 12. February 1984 - May 1985, operations officer, 313th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Hahn Air Base, West Germany 13. May 1985 - July 1987, commander, 313th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Hahn Air Base, West Germany 14. July 1987 - July 1988, student, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 15. July 1988 - July 1990, chairman of the personnel activities panel for the Air Force Board Structure, directorate of personnel plans, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. 16. July 1990 - April 1991, vice commander, 363rd Tactical Fighter Wing, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. 17. April 1991 - July 1992, commander, 80th Flying Training Wing, Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas 18. July 1992 - January 1993, vice commander, Air Force Military Personnel Center, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 19. January 1993 - January 1994, commander, 12th Flying Training Wing, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 20. January 1994 - June 1995, deputy director for operations, National Military Command Center, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 21. June 1995 - present, vice commander, 7th Air Force; vice commander, U.S. Air Forces Korea; and chief of staff, Combined Republic of Korea and U.S. Air Component Command, Osan Air Base, South KoreaFLIGHT INFORMATIONRating: Command pilotFlight hours: More than 3,400Aircraft flown: T-37, T-38, A-7, F-105 and F-16MAJOR AWARDS AND DECORATIONSDefense Superior Service MedalLegion of Merit with oak leaf clusterDistinguished Flying CrossBronze Star MedalMeritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clustersAir Medal with 12 oak leaf clustersAir Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf clusterAir Force Achievement MedalCombat Readiness Medal with four oak leaf clustersArmed Forces Expeditionary MedalVietnam Service Medal with three bronze starsRepublic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with PalmEFFECTIVE DATES OF PROMOTIONSecond Lieutenant May 23, 1968First Lieutenant Nov 23, 1969Captain May 23, 1971Major Apr 12, 1979Lieutenant Colonel Aug 1, 1984Colonel Sep 1, 1989Brigadier General Aug 10,1993 (Current as of February 1996)