Air Force fitness program revisions begin July 1

  • Published
  • By Jon Hanson
  • Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs Office
In less than two months, Airmen across the globe will begin testing against new fitness assessment standards.

These standards were deemed necessary by senior Air Force leaders to ensure a fitter and healthier fighting force. Changes include bi-annual testing, minimum requirements within testing components and establishing fitness assessment cells to proctor tests.

"Our senior leadership has gone to great lengths to ensure every Airman stays fit year round," said Chief Master Sgt. Mark Long, the Air Force's chief of enlisted promotions, evaluations and fitness policy. "We want all Airmen to take fitness seriously. We intend that the days of 'cramming' for the annual fitness test will be replaced by an emphasis on year-round fitness. We were the only military service who did not test at least twice a year, and it's a definite step in the right direction to change the Air Force fitness culture."

Although twice-a-year testing began Jan. 1, the Air Force delayed implementing the new fitness program until July 1 when Air Force Instruction 36-2905 becomes effective. The program promotes aerobic and muscular fitness, flexibility and optimal body composition for Air Force members.

During the bi-annual fitness assessments, Airmen will receive an overall composite fitness score based on four components: a 1.5-mile timed run for aerobic fitness, body composition and the muscular fitness components of pushups and sit-ups. Additionally, Airmen must meet minimum requirements as defined by the new instruction for each of the four components. Components are weighted as follows: 60 points for aerobic, 20 points for body composition, 10 points for pushups, and 10 points for sit-ups, for a total of 100 possible points.

Another key change is the use of fitness assessment cells where trained civilian employees administer the fitness assessment. The purpose of these cells is to reduce the administrative burden on squadrons and maximize consistency in testing.

"The fitness program changes will help the Air Force in many ways," Chief Long said. "They will help our Airmen stay healthier and help reduce associated medical costs in this budget constrained environment. Most important is a fitter force will help ensure we meet and exceed mission requirements."

To learn more about the new fitness program, visit