Environmental award winners announced

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Air Force officials announced April 7 the winners of the 2008 Gen. Thomas D. White Environmental Award. The winners are:

Environmental Quality Award for Industrial Installations: Hill Air Force Base, Utah (AFMC)

Environmental Quality Award for Reserve Component including Air National Guard: 179th Airlift Wing, Mansfield, Ohio (ANG)

Environmental Quality Award for Overseas Installations: Ascension Auxiliary Air Field, 45th Space Wing, Patrick AFB, Fla. (AFSPC)

Restoration Award for All Installations: Dyess AFB, Texas (ACC)

Pollution Prevention Award for Non-Industrial Installations: Hickam AFB, Hawaii (PACAF)

Natural Resources Conservation Award for Large Installations: Elmendorf AFB, Alaska (PACAF)

Cultural Resources Management Award for All Installations: Vandenberg AFB, Calif. (AFSPC)

Pollution Prevention Award for Individual/Team Excellence: Pollution Prevention Team, Columbus AFB, Miss. (AETC)

Cultural Resources Management Award for Individual/Team Excellence: Cultural Resources Team, Mountain Home AFB, Idaho (ACC)

National Environmental Policy Act Award for Team Excellence: Environmental Planning Team, Peterson AFB, Colo. (AFSPC)

These Air Force winners will be submitted for consideration for the FY08 Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards.

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