Center delivers interoperability between combat, mobility air forces

  • Published
  • By Capt. Larry van der Oord
  • Global Cyberspace Integration Center Public Affairs
The Global Cyberspace Integration Center here soon will begin fielding Theater Battle Management Core System Service Pack 7, a critical system upgrade and important milestone to completing seamless interoperability with Air Mobility Command's new flagship unit and force level Global Decision Support System 2.

TBMCS provides air commanders with the means to plan, direct and control all theater air operations in support of command objectives. The program provides combat air forces and joint/combined forces with an automated and integrated capability to plan and execute the air battle plan.

GDSS 2 is the primary command and control system AMC uses to disseminate and track airlift and tanker status worldwide. The system features a powerful set of decision-making tools, enterprise data and information fusion technologies, as well as information displays that enable users to monitor and manage all global mobility missions.

TBMCS Service Pack 7 addressed a vital need for the two systems to automatically interface in order to make related data available to disparate personnel.

With Service Pack 7 fielded, AMC will soon complete fielding GDSS 2 to Falconer combined air and space operation centers, and TBMCS and GDSS 2 will then interoperate, exchange and associate theater mission and global mission data. This interface will permit the Tanker Airlift Control Center and air mobility divisions to easily and accurately associate mobility and non-mobility mission data, and also populate air tasking orders.

"Service Pack 7 fielding is an important sustainment achievement for TBMCS, and a key event fostering AMC retirement of legacy command and control systems," said Bob Wind, GCIC mobility systems analyst.

"This is a great example of AMC and the GCIC working together to modernize command and control to deliver innovation to the warfighter," added Mr. Wind.

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