Letter to Airmen highlights cyberspace operations

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In the latest Letter to Airmen, Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne discusses cyberspace operations and how the Air Force is extending its global vigilance, reach and power into cyberspace.

Secretary Wynne said that our adversaries are attempting to access American servers that contain sensitive data or trying to jam and misdirect precision weapons.  They also use radio transmitters to detonate improvised explosive devices that kill Americans, coalition allies and civilians.

"In response to these threats, Airmen are actively 'flying and fighting' in cyberspace. Our cyber Airmen's work is a prerequisite to all military operations: ensuring freedom of action across the electromagnetic spectrum, which in turn contributes to freedom from attack and freedom to attack in all other domains:  land, sea, air and space,"  the secretary said.

Secretary Wynne's Letter to Airmen and other senior leader viewpoints can be found in the Library section of Air Force Link.

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