Air Force Claims Service Center opens

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Steve German
  • Air Force Print News
Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne officially opened the Air Force Claims Center here March 23 with the cut of a ribbon.

Now, Airmen stationed around the world have a centralized claims center to file legal claims and it can all be done online.

The chief of the Air Force Claims Service Center, Lt. Col. Eric Bee, said the center falls in line with the secretary's Air Force Smart Operations 21 initiatives.

"They can (file) anytime of the day or night. They can (file) at their desk. They can (file) in their pajamas, they can go to our Web page and they can file a claim," Colonel Bee said. "So, that's trying to make it easier for airmen and take less of their time."

The center consolidates some 90 individual claims centers under one roof. More than 100 Air Force active duty members and civilians make up the AFCSC.

With the motto of "Fast, Friendly and Fair," paralegal members are only a mouse click or phone call away. The consolidation changes the way Air Force members file their claims by migrating the traditional paperwork to an online environment. Paralegals are on hand 24 hours a day and seven days a week to help members at a moment's notice.

"We're worldwide so we're 24-7," said Colonel Bee.  "With customer service they can call an 800 number, they can call a world wide DSN number. They can get help with the Web page or (ask) questions about their claim or anything that they need, and we've got the folks here to help them."

One of the biggest benefits that Airmen will notice is the shortened time it takes to be paid for their claim. Working hand in hand with Defense Finance and Accounting Service officials, the AFCSC will speed up the process of payment from what used to take several weeks to what now could take five days. All the while, the AFCSC is expected to save the Air Force $60 million over the next 10 years while returning 200 personnel positions back to the Air Force to be used elsewhere. 

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