Reservists urged to establish virtual accounts

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Air Force Reserve Command officials want officers, senior NCOs and supervisors to establish virtual Personnel Center - Guard/Reserve, or vPC-GR, accounts by April 2.

Maj. Gen. Allan R. Poulin, AFRC vice commander, urges all reservists to get a vPC-GR account, by logging on to the vPC-GR Web site.

"Our personnel center is the hub of our transformation efforts, and vPC-GR is our tool to transition reservists to these Web-based personnel services," he wrote in a letter to commanders Feb. 1.

As part of the Personnel Services Delivery Transformation, the Web-based system allows reservists to conduct personal transactions and access information without visiting a military personnel flight.

They can monitor their duty histories, request changes and updates, and apply for retirement online. Also, commanders and supervisors can submit their people for awards and decorations electronically.

Actions still available at local MPFs are testing, casualty assistance, passports, contingency exercises, leave accrual and personnel support for contingency operations.

(Courtesy of Air Force Reserve Command News Service)

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