SECAF releases latest 'Letter to Airmen'

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In his "Letter to Airmen" released today, Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne addresses one of the U.S. Air Forces’ core values -- Service Before Self.

“As I visit and work with Airmen around the world, I could not be prouder of the many ways that you sacrifice for service before self, whether the mission is combat operations or humanitarian relief,” Secretary Wynne told Airmen in his letter.

The secretary said an example of service before self is the many Airmen -- active duty, Guard and Reserve -- who are volunteering to deploy to support operations throughout the world.

“Your service in the Air Force -- with all the risks and sacrifices that service demands -- is service to our nation, to its values, and to its dreams,” he wrote.

To view the entire letter, go to the library section of Air Force Link and click on senior leader viewpoints.