Kunsan Air Base: COVID-19 updates

  • Published
  • 8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

U.S. Forces Korea has established a website for all decisions and directives associated with the COVID-19 outbreak across the Korean Peninsula. The 8th Fighter Wing will continue monitoring USFK policy and publishing the local impact to the installation.

Please avoid misinformation and refer to official USFK sources regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. The 8th FW is working closely with USFK to ensure accurate information is available for our community as quickly as possible.

TRANSMISSION: Originally, cases were linked to seafood and animal markets. However, person-to-person transmission via respiratory droplets from an infected person coughing or sneezing is now suspected.

SIGNS/SYMPTOMS: Cough, fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chest tightness/pain, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue and/or diarrhea.

​Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness (fever, cough, difficulty breathing).
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after preparing food, eating and touching your face.
If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands.
For local questions or concerns regarding this alert, contact Public Health at DSN: 782-4509 or 782-1197.

Follow Kunsan Air Base (@KunsanAirBase) and U.S Forces Korea (@myusfk) on Facebook for updates via social media.

COVID 19 Links
USFK Website
USFK Facebook
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Health Organization
U.S. Embassy & Consulate in the Republic of Korea

Frequently Asked Questions
Health Protection Condition (HPCON) Charlie
Out of a strong abundance of caution and utilizing the USFK commander's authorities to protect the USFK population from COVID-19, USFK raised its risk level to "HIGH" – also referred to as USFK Health Protection Condition Charlie (HPCON C).

The health protection measures associated with HPCON C are mandatory for USFK service members peninsula-wide, and highly encouraged for family members, DoD civilian employees, contractors and others who frequent USFK installations. The chart above is not comprehensive, and when in doubt, seek clarification from your chain of command.

For all Kunsan AB personnel:
Routine training is restricted for more than 20 personnel in confined spaces.
Off-base dining-in at restaurants and going to bars, clubs, movie theaters and large gatherings with over 20 people is not authorized.
Take-out is authorized.
All on-base activities are authorized.
Limit duration and exposure when traveling off base.
More information is available in DoD Instruction 6200.03, Public Health Emergency Management.

COVID-19 Index
Visit the CDC website for all COVID-19 symptoms, prevention, updates, and more.

Mask Wear
The Department of Defense follows CDC guidelines which DOES NOT recommend people who are well to wear a face mask to protect themselves from Novel Coronavirus due to an increased risk of infection during improper use and disposal of masks. Improper use and disposal of masks increases the risk of COVID-19 infection to well persons.

Improper user includes:

Using a disposable mask for prolonged use, using a disposable mask that is wet, not fully covering the nose and mouth, touching the mask while in use, improper mask removal, improper mask disposal and improper hand hygiene after disposal.
Wearing medical masks when not indicated may lead to neglecting other essential measures such as hand hygiene practices.

Per the 8th FW Community Standards, USFK authorizes wear of medical masks in uniform ONLY when the Air Quality Index is reported as orange or higher. Do not wear the mask if you are well, mask wear is authorized if you are sick or showing symptoms.

Peninsula Travel
Guidance from U.S Indo-Pacific Command:
The number of reported cases of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to rise in the Republic of Korea. Effective immediately, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command commander, in line with the CDC Travel Health Notice, restricts all nonessential DOD travel to the Republic of Korea to reduce risks associated with COVID-19.

This travel restriction applies to all military, civilians and contractors under U.S Indo-Pacific command authority.

Mass Gatherings
Avoid non-mission essential mass gatherings, parties, speaking events, etc. at this time.

Prevention and Treatment
Please view the CDC’s recommended prevention and treatment guidelines here.

Defense Commissary Agency
At this time, the commissary remains open and has enough resources to accommodate Kusan AB personnel.

Dining Facilities
Dining facilities remain open.

Sick Leave
DoD Civilians and Korean National Employees must adhere to “sick leave” policies and coordinate with their supervisors.

Leave and Temporary Duty Locations
Restricted leave and TDY locations will be made available via USFK’s updates. The Department of State updates their site regularly with travel notices outside of USFK and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command more restrictive limits on service members.

PCS in or out of Kunsan AB
Mission essential personnel are still able to move back and forth. Further updates will be made via USFK and your chain of command.