TAP curriculum available online for separating service members

  • Published
  • By Janis El Shabazz
  • Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs

Separating service members can participate in the transition assistance program, or TAP, online, Department of Defense officials announced.

TAP, now called Transition GPS-Goals, Plans and Success, is designed to help prepare separating and retiring members for life outside of the military. It includes a variety of seminars from dressing for success to financial independence.

The virtual curriculum is part of a broader program redesign to better prepare service members for success in their civilian life. The virtual curriculum was added to benefit service members at geographically separated units, those with a short-notice separation and those contemplating retirement.

The redesign expanded requirements to include mandatory attendance at a five-day workshop, a Department of Labor employment workshop, a Department of Veterans Affairs briefing and completion of a capstone session to ensure the member is career ready. Optional training for higher education, entrepreneurial and vocational training is also available along with extensive one-on-one counseling to help Airmen develop a comprehensive individual transition plan.

"Many service members do not have access to brick and mortar classrooms for transition instruction," said Rashaud Smith, the AFPC Airman and Family Sustainment Branch community readiness analyst. "The virtual program mirrors the traditional offerings, and placing it on the Joint Knowledge Online Portal, where military training programs for joint applications already reside, will allow personnel to access it from anywhere in the world."

The online Transition GPS has 50 hours of interactive training modules to meet career readiness standards established by the Pentagon. Modules are as follows:

- Transition Overview - Resilient Transitions - 1.5 hours
- Military Occupational Classification Crosswalk - 1.5 hours
- Personal Financial Planning for Transition - 3 hours
- Department of Labor Employment Workshop - 15 hours
- Federal Employment - 4 hours
- VA Benefits I - 1 hour
- VA Benefits II - 3 hours
- Entrepreneur Track - 9 hours
- Accessing Higher Education Track - 4 hours
- Career Technical Training Track - 8 hours

"Transition GPS helps ease the mental and emotional side of the separation process allowing service members to make informed decisions, set goals for civilian life and gain the skills and resources needed to meet those goals," Smith said. "The program offers planning tools ranging from preparing a 12-month post-separation budget to how to build a business plan and start your own business."

First time users must create and save a profile, and then click on the "My Profile" link to find and join the TGPS VC 'audience.' They will then save the profile again to secure the selection to the desktop space. Once profile set-up is complete, students can enroll in each course by selecting the enroll button next to the course title they want to complete.

To access the site and establish a profile, go to myPers. Enter Transition Assistance Program in the search window and select the "Transition Assistance Program (TAP)" link. Locate the TGPS link under "Virtual Curriculum," select it and follow the instructions above to create a profile.