April 14 - Pulse on AF force management Published April 15, 2014 WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- New eligibility criteria, application deadlines and status updates are all featured in this force management update, an ongoing effort to bring Airmen the latest, most accurate information concerning the complex and dynamic force management programs. Additional TERA, VSP windows The Air Force will open two new fiscal year 2014 temporary early retirement authority application windows and a new voluntary separation pay application window. The first window, planned for April 15-May 13, is for Airmen who were unable to apply during the original application window due to previously unwaiverable active duty service commitments, deployment status or because they were serving on a short tour. Another TERA window and voluntary separation pay window will run concurrently May 22-June 30 for officers eligible to meet the October reduction in force board. Enlisted TERA The established window for temporary early retirement authority closed March 26. The Air Force Personnel Center received more than 4,000 enlisted applications, of which approximately 69 percent met eligibility criteria. In some cases, Airmen with less than the required 15 years of service or Airmen serving in a non-eligible Air Force specialty codes had applied. To date, 2,132 applications have been approved, with notifications already sent to Airmen. Approximately 370 applications are still pending. Officer TERA The AFPC has received more than 1,000 officer TERA applications, of which approximately 66 percent met eligibility criteria. To date, 323 applications have been approved, with notifications already provided. Approximately 300 applications are still pending. Officer active-duty service commitments The expanded authorities AFPC now has support additional waivers for rated, educational and health professions’ officer active-duty service commitments. These authorities eliminate previous limitations to the existing voluntary programs. Information on which ADSCs are now waiverable under voluntary programs, to include TERA and VSP, is available on the myPers website, via the Air Force Portal. Officer and enlisted VSP AFPC has received 936 officer and 6,488 enlisted applications, with approximately 68 percent of officers and 83 percent of enlisted meeting eligibility criteria. In most cases, the ineligible applications are from Airmen who currently serve in non-eligible AFSCs. Even though the VSP window does not close until May 1, 275 officer and 2,471 enlisted VSP applications have been approved to date. Applications will continue to be processed in all eligible AFSCs, enlisted grades and officer year groups. Colonel ESERB The Air Force Colonel Management Office, or AF/DPO, announced the removal of two competitive categories and eight AFSCs from the calendar year 2014 Colonel Enlisted Selective Early Retirement Board. As of April 14, the Biomedical Sciences Corps, the Medical Service Corps, and eight Line of the Air Force, or LAF, AFSCs (13C, 14N, 17D, 21M, 21R, 32E, 38P and 71S) will no longer meet the June ESERB. The Air Force Colonel Management Office determined it is no longer necessary for these competitive categories and AFSCs to meet the ESERB since the fiscal Voluntary Force Management Program garnered enough retirements. This reduces the number of colonels eligible for early retirement by roughly 40 percent. LAF AFSCs still meeting the ESERB are as follows: 11B, 11F, 11H, 11M, 11R, 11S, 12B, 12F, 12M, 12R, 12S, 13B, 13M, 13N, 13S, 15W and 31P Further information can be found on the Air Force Colonel Management Office Portal page. Resources Updates to information on force management and other personnel programs will continue to be available on myPers. Airmen can use the new force management graphic on the Air Force Portal, which will take them directly to updated matrices and force management program details. (Information provided by the Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs)