May 23 – Pulse on AF force management

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This week’s force management update focuses on the chief master sergeant retention board, voluntary separation pay, officer reduction in force boards, quality force review board, civilian force management and total force opportunities in a continued effort to bring Airmen the latest, most accurate information concerning the complex and dynamic force management programs.

Three retention boards cancelled
Based on voluntary and other mandatory retirement losses; the Air Force has met the overall end strength goal for chief master sergeant. There is no longer a need to conduct a chief master sergeant retention board this year.

Based on voluntary retirements received, there is no longer a need to conduct a major nurse corps or biomedical science corps enhanced selective early retirement board.

Voluntary separation pay
The Air Force Personnel Center continued processing officer and enlisted VSP applications for the window that closed May 1, with 3,427 enlisted and 932 officer applications approved. Notifications were sent out this week to those Airmen and their commanders.

Additional temporary early retirement authority window
The additional TERA window for deployed Airmen and those serving overseas closed May 13. AFPC received 123 eligible officer and enlisted TERA applications. AFPC used the latest overage assessments to maximize approvals. Notifications of the decisions are being sent to Airmen beginning this week.

Updated voluntary and involuntary matrices
Based on the number of approved separations and retirements, updated enlisted voluntary and involuntary matrices were posted to myPers this week and officer voluntary and involuntary matrices will be posted next week. Airmen will see considerable changes based on the large number of approved voluntary retirements and separations. For example, 38 Air Force specialty codes by grades were removed from the enlisted voluntary matrix. This includes involuntary programs, in which another 32 cell groups closed out on the enlisted retention boards since the April matrix was published. Since the initial voluntary and involuntary matrices were posted in January, 392 enlisted AFSCs/grade groups and 232 officer AFSCs/grade groups have closed.

Officer reduction in force board
The officer RIF board is scheduled to convene at AFPC Oct. 1. The RIF matrices are available on myPers under “FY15 Officer Force Management Program Matrices.” These will be updated with the latest round of voluntary separation approvals for eligible AFSCs, grades and year groups. The Air Force remains committed to providing voluntary opportunities prior to subjecting Airmen to an involuntary board. As a reminder, the VSP and TERA window scheduled to run May 22-June 30 will be open to officers eligible to meet the RIF and officers whose AFSC and year group remain eligible (blue) on the voluntary matrix.

Civilian force management - voluntary early retirement authority and voluntary separation incentive pay
Results from VERA/VSIP round 2 remained unchanged this week. AFPC will continue to work with the installation civilian personnel sections to assess the need and timing, if necessary, for an additional round of VERA/VSIP.

Going forward
The quality force review board concluded this week and results will be released to senior raters in June. Airmen not selected for retention by the QFRB will separate Sept. 29, or retire, if eligible, Oct. 1. Additionally, the enlisted retention boards and the enhanced selective early retirement boards are scheduled to convene next month.

Continued service in the Guard and Reserve
Palace Chase and Palace Front offer Airmen a unique opportunity to continue serving while filling critical total force needs in an Air Reserve component. The Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard have numerous positions available. Interested Airmen should first contact their local in-service recruiter for additional information. If unable to locate the local ISR, call 800-257-1212 or navigate to for the AFR and call 800-TOGOANG, or navigate to for the ANG.

Updates to information on force management and other personnel programs will continue to be available on myPers. Airmen can use the new force management graphic on the Air Force Portal which will take them to updated matrices and force management program details.

(Courtesy of Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs)