WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Assignment incentive pay and special duty assignment pay for select total force nuclear career fields became effective Oct. 1, following Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James' recent announcement.
“The purpose of these special pays is to incentivize Airmen to volunteer for and perform duties in a particular career field, location and/or special assignment where the scope of responsibility and required skills exceed those of other Airmen in the same career field and rank,” said Brig. Gen. Brian Kelly, director of force management policy.
Select officers and enlisted members serving in eleven nuclear career fields and assignment areas will receive between $75 and $300 per month. Nuclear careers fields selected for these special pays include enlisted service members assigned to command post, nuclear aircraft maintenance, security forces, missile maintenance, aircraft armament systems, nuclear weapons and support personnel who deploy to the ICBM complex. Missile launch, security forces and missile maintenance officers will be eligible to receive special pays as well.
“The Airmen selected for this incentive are critical members of our Air Force’s number one mission,” said Col. Zannis Pappas, nuclear and missile operations career field manager. “Our members take extreme pride in accomplishing their duties, ensuring that our nuclear arsenal remains safe, secure and effective.”
While the effective date is Oct. 1, it will take several months for Airmen working within the selected nuclear careers fields to receive their pay adjustments. However, eligible Airmen will be retroactively compensated to the Oct. 1 effective date. In the meantime, officers and enlisted members meeting the criteria for these special pays should work through their chain of command and military personnel sections for questions on their individual eligibility.
To see the full assignment incentive pay and special duty assignment pay list and program changes, go to myPers at https://mypers.af.mil, select “search all components” on the search drop down window and enter “SDAP” in the search window.
(Courtesy Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs)