Non-rated Line Officer board rescheduled Published Oct. 10, 2016 By Melissa Walther Air Force Recruiting Service Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH,Texas (AFNS) -- During fiscal year 2016 line officer recruiting, all 1,107 jobs for fiscal 2017 were filled, as well as the first quarter of fiscal 2018.While more than 2,800 applications were received and 1,833 candidates selected, the sheer numbers have resulted in a postponing of the October 2016 Non-rated Line Officer board.According to Air Force Recruiting Service, the delay will allow recruiting officials to decrease the queue before filling additional fiscal 2018 vacancies, resulting in shorter wait times for training. Current wait times range from 18 to 20 months.Although the board has been delayed, AFRS will not accept new applications to meet the March 2017 board and active-duty applicants will not be notified of the delay on an individual basis. Rather, an announcement will be posted on the "Apply for a Commission" page on the Air Force Portal and recruiters will contact civilian applicants.Results from the selection board are expected to be released in April 2017.Because of the delay, recruiting personnel recognize many candidates may no longer meet some requirements, such as age or time on station. In these cases, applicants are encouraged to work with their recruiters, military personnel flights or installation education offices to submit any necessary waivers.While the delay may cause issues for some applicants, it also has the added benefit of increasing the percentage of candidates selected for a commission, as more vacancies become available.In addition to delaying the October 2016 Non-rated Line Officer board, AFRS is moving to smaller, more frequent boards beginning in mid-fiscal 2017, in a further effort to reduce wait times. Board dates are expected to be released at least 30 days prior to the application cutoff date and will focus on selecting candidates for specific career fields available at the time of the board.For updates and more information visit the Air Force Portal and search for "Apply for a Commission."