Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians


  • Balance

    Whether we're talking about our life, family, or career, it boils down to balance. Having a healthy balance is the only way that we can sustain effectiveness. I can recall times as a young officer when working 14 hours a day was common. There are times when the mission will drive us to work extended

  • General courts-martial for sexual assault: How do they work?

    Support for military sexual assault victims and the number of reported offenses have increased in recent years, resulting in more investigations and courts-martial involving sexual assault charges. This article describes the general court-martial process and some of the unique aspects with regards

  • Cybercrime: How it affects you

    Cybercrime is the fastest growing and most dynamic area of crime. Ever-increasing reliance on cyber technology is allowing criminals to operate with virtual impunity across a range of criminal activities and jurisdictions.

  • Online vigilance helps reduce risk

    I received at least five emails last week warning me to secure my social media settings and be aware of what I post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.