Aug. 23, 2023 Air Force announces CY24 promotion board schedule, aligns to officer SCODs The Air Force announced the 2024 promotion board schedule Aug. 22, which marks the transition to align most promotion boards with their associated evaluation closeout dates.
Feb. 17, 2022 Air Force announces officer performance report static closeout dates, beginning October 2022 Transitioning from non-standardized annual and change of reporting official, OPR closeout policies to SCODs increases transparency by ensuring stable, steady, and reliable assessments from senior raters and rating chains.
April 20, 2015 Enlisted members selected for promotion to get EPR on "select" grade closeout date In line with a recent update to the Air Force policy on enlisted performance report static closeout dates (SCOD), effective immediately, all future EPRs for promotion-selectees will close out on the date of the promotion-select grade.
Sept. 11, 2014 Enlisted evaluation and promotion systems implementation timeline In July, the chief of staff and chief master sergeant of the Air Force announced a series of incremental changes to the Enlisted Evaluation and Weighted Airman Promotion Systems scheduled for implementation from August 2014 through January 2017.