Sept. 26, 2024 USAF Warrant Officer Training School opens doors at Maxwell AFB WOTS is a 40-day training program, in-residence accessions program designed to educate and train candidates with specialized knowledge and technical skills on how to serve as technical advisors to command leadership in their future roles as warrant officers.
Oct. 11, 2023 Officer Training School embarks on ‘OTS-Victory’ The new training program, dubbed OTS-Victory, incorporates a five-modular approach designed to enhance the effectiveness of foundational officer development by focusing on specific knowledge, skills and abilities in each module.
Sept. 30, 2022 CCAF data migration leads to limited services for next several months The Community College of the Air Force will have limited services available to current and former students for the next several months as Air University migrates the college’s student academic records to a new enterprise-wide student information system.