NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • AMC crew earns humanitarian award

    An aircrew from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey, was recognized at the Air Force Association’s Air, Space and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Sept. 18, 2017. The aircrew, assigned to the 6th Airlift Squadron, received the Berlin Airlift Veterans Association Humanitarian Mission of

  • 601st AOC's AMD provides critical link during hurricane relief

    In the throes of a hurricane, emerging requirements for military air assets throughout the affected area can create a chaotic web of demand signals with varying levels of priority. When those demands require the use of U.S. Transportation Command or Air National Guard assets, it is the job of the

  • Airmen document Hurricane Irma with Hurricane Hunters

    It’s not often that Air Force reservists arrive at Unit Training Assembly “weekend drill,” and in short order find themselves flying into the eye of a hurricane, but that’s exactly what happened to Staff Sgts. Kyle Brasier and Corban Lundborg with the 4th Combat Camera Squadron, Joint Base

  • Nellis AFB to support Hurricane Irma rescue operations

    In mid-afternoon Sept. 8, 2017, the 66th Rescue Squadron and 823rd Maintenance Squadron assigned to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, received a call from U.S. Northern Command to ready teams to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency search and rescue efforts in the Florida Keys following the

  • Air Force delivers doctors, aid to Florida

    Three C-17s from Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina and Dover Air Force Base, Delaware flew more than 300 doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to Orlando, Florida, Sept. 9, 2017, in anticipation of Hurricane Irma’s landfall Sept. 10.

  • Rescue assets preposition for Hurricane Irma relief

    Moody Air Force Base aircraft and rescue assets relocated to Columbus AFB, Mississippi, Sept. 9, 2017, before Hurricane Irma’s arrival.The aircraft and rescue assets will remain at Columbus AFB before re-engaging with other Moody AFB assets to assist the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and

  • E-8C JSTARS evacuate to Tinker AFB

    Five E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System aircraft from the 116th Air Control Wing, Georgia Air National Guard, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, evacuated to Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, to escape the path of Hurricane Irma Sept. 9, 2017.

  • Kentucky Air Guardsmen evacuate personnel following Hurricane Irma

    For the second time in two weeks, special operators and aircrews from the Kentucky Air National Guard have deployed to support hurricane rescue operations, evacuating more than 170 U.S. citizens from the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Maarten Sept. 9, 2017.

  • Keesler medics ready to support Hurricane Irma relief efforts

    Medical Airmen from Keesler Air Force Base are standing by to support Hurricane Irma relief efforts if called upon.Fresh off of a deployment to Houston, to support Hurricane Harvey relief efforts, a critical care air transport team is standing by to provide the same capability to those affected by

  • Dobbins ARB provides hurricane evacuation support

    Late on the evening of Sept. 6, 2017, the first of several KC-130 Super Hercules carrying evacuees landed at the Dobbins Air Reserve Base flightline. What began as a typical aircraft arrival scene with airfield managers guiding the planes in, became a bit more unique as Marine Corps aircrews

  • Civil Air Patrol links 300 stranded people to needed help

    A Civil Air Patrol aircraft taking photos along the rain-swollen Colorado River near Wharton, Texas, received a radio call for help and observed a group of people gathered at Holy Families Catholic Church. Three hundred people sought shelter from the floodwaters that cut-off access to the town of

  • EPLOs provide critical coordination to FEMA disaster relief efforts

    As three CH-47 Chinooks flew into Joint Base San Antonio-Seguin Auxiliary Airfield from the west, , Col. Harry Hughes, an emergency preparedness liaison officer, quickly worked through how to alleviate a back-up of overflow truck traffic onto the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Incident

  • AFNORTH wraps up Hurricane Harvey ops, looks East to Irma

    As Hurricane Harvey slammed into coastal Texas the last week of August, Houston and the surrounding area were pounded with unprecedented amounts of rain – experiencing 50 inches of rain in a matter of days. That is more than the annual average for the region.

  • Keesler AFB medical team supports hurricane relief effort

    An Air Force Critical Care Air Transport Team, and a supporting logistics team, from Keesler Air Force Base arrived at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Aug. 30, 2017, to support the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

  • Special Tactics saves lives in Hurricane Harvey aftermath

    To assist in rescue efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, 38 Special Tactics Airmen deployed to Southeast Texas to provide critical disaster relief.Special Tactics Airmen with the 123rd and 125th Special Tactics Squadrons exercised their personnel rescue and global access capabilities to

  • 48th RQS provides Hurricane Harvey rescue support

    Airmen from the 48th Rescue Squadron responded to recovery operations for Hurricane Harvey, arriving at Easterwood Airfield, College Station, Texas, with approximately 20 members, Aug. 29, 2017.The mission is to provide boat-based rescue support in addition to current efforts in southeast Texas.

  • Oklahoma ANG wing sends aid for Hurricane Harvey

    Approximately 40 Airmen from the Oklahoma Air National Guard’s 137th Special Operations Wing departed Will Rogers Air National Guard Base in Oklahoma City, Aug. 29, 2017, to support the Texas Military Department and Texas Emergency Management in relief efforts following Hurricane Harvey.

  • Rescue assets arrive in Fort Worth, Texas

    The 347th Rescue Group mobilized to Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Aug. 26, 2017, in support of relief efforts due to Hurricane Harvey. HC-130J Combat King II, HH60G Pave Hawks from the 41st Rescue Squadron, and numerous personnel continue to support ongoing rescue efforts.

  • Around the Air Force: Jan. 20

    On this look around the Air Force, Airmen lend a helping hand to support the inauguration and service members conduct subject matter expert exchanges at Clark AB, Philippines.

  • Airmen deliver aid to refugees in northern Iraq

    Reservists from the 315th Airlift Wing delivered humanitarian aid here Jan. 13 while also conducting a multifaceted training mission; the aid is bound for refugee camps in northern Iraq.

  • US provides initial critical aid in Haiti

    Since arriving Oct. 5, U.S. service members assigned to Joint Task Force Matthew have been operating around the clock, providing aid to citizens of western Haiti.The team has been conducting 24-hour operations at the request of Haiti’s government to support the U.S. Agency for International

  • Little Rock AFB provides humanitarian support

    Airmen from the 19th Airlift Wing at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, dedicated three C-130J Super Hercules to deliver humanitarian aid and disaster relief response for Haiti on Oct. 7 after the Category 4 hurricane tore through the island.

  • Kentucky ANG Airmen help renovate school in Moldova

    Airmen from the Kentucky Air National Guard in partnership with officials from Moldova and U.S. European Command started a humanitarian project in Chisinau, Moldova, on June 3 that’s expected to last several weeks.

  • Yokota aids Japan with earthquake relief

    The 374th Airlift Wing sent two C-130 Hercules aircraft and aircrew to the Kyushu region April 18, supporting the government of Japan in their relief efforts for the series of earthquakes that took place in Kumamoto Prefecture and surrounding areas.

  • Yesterday’s Air Force: Operation Tomodachi

    Operation Tomodachi was the U.S. and Japanese response to the devastation brought by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake, and tsunami, that struck off the coast of Japan. Airmen from all over the Pacific helped in the recovery efforts.

  • Denton Program delivers the goods

    A C-5 Galaxy delivered 23,415 pounds of humanitarian aid supplies to Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, Nov. 9 through the Denton Program.

  • Pacific Angel 15-2 underway in Timor-Leste

    Members of the U.S. Air Force and Navy, Defence Forces of Timor-Leste, and New Zealand army began humanitarian assistance operations as part of Pacific Angel 15-2 Sept. 7, in Baucau, Timor Leste.

  • Ramstein Airmen help renovate Georgian school

    For the past month, the hallways of Gori Public School No. 4 were alive with the sounds of construction workers sanding, sawing, tearing down, building up and transforming what looked like a century-old building. The transformation continued till just hours before the Aug. 31 culminating ceremony,

  • Drilling activity for Honduras water well underway

    The 823rd Expeditionary RED HORSE Squadron continued drilling activity for a water well July 7 in Honduras. The well is one of multiple projects taking place here as part of New Horizons, an annual humanitarian assistance exercise.

  • PACANGEL efforts end in Papua New Guinea

    Pacific Angel 15-4 officially ended June 8 after seven days of civic assistance projects that provided medical care for 3,859 patients, refurbished three schools for 3,000 students and helped two local hospitals overhaul their ability to respond to emergencies.

  • Countries converge for PACANGEL Papua New Guinea

    A six-nation Pacific Angel 15-4 team arrived June 1 in the Eastern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea. The PACANGEL team – made up of doctors, dentists, plumbers and planners from Papua New Guinea, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Indonesia -- tumbled out of trucks in

  • Joint Task Force 505 begins drawdown in Nepal

    Joint Task Force 505 is drawing down its earthquake relief operations as the Nepalese government and international aid agencies have postured for long-term recovery and reconstruction efforts.

  • Joint Task Force-505, Nepalese army treat earthquake victims

    U.S. service members assisted officials, from the Government of Nepal and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), with providing medical care for earthquake victims at the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, May 12.

  • Behind the scenes: Yokota supports Nepal

    Members of Yokota Air Base, serving at the primary airlift hub in the Pacific region, often deploy to provide humanitarian aid to countries stricken by natural disasters. In recent years alone, the 374 Airlift Wing has deployed to support regional countries such as Japan after the Tohoku earthquake

  • Airman returns home to Nepal after earthquake

    When Senior Airman Manoj Khatiwada was asked to join a team of Pacific Air Forces Airmen traveling to Nepal to assist the government with relief operations following a magnitude 7.8 earthquake, he was filled with mixed emotions. Khatiwada was born and raised in Nepal and came to the U.S. in 2009

  • Joint US forces support Nepal earthquake relief efforts in Thailand

    In support of Operation Sahayogi Haat, Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines are ensuring humanitarian assistance and disaster relief supplies and personnel are moving smoothly in and out of Nepal at an intermediate staging base (ISB) at U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Airfield, Thailand.

  • Natural disaster response improved at Cope North 15

    More than 300 service members from six countries joined together to conduct the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) portion of exercise Cope North 15 from Feb. 15 to 18, at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, and throughout the region of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

  • Reserve Airmen support Ebola fight on the ground

    About 15 air transportation specialists from the 446th Airlift Wing here are scheduled to depart for Dakar, Senegal, Nov. 8, to support ground personnel for the campaign against Ebola during Operation Unified Assistance.

  • Airlift squadron established for Ebola response in Senegal

    More than 35 Airmen and two C-130J Super Hercules from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, arrived in Dakar, Senegal, this week to establish the 787th Air Expeditionary Squadron and to fly humanitarian cargo into Liberia as part of Operation United Assistance, the mission to fight Ebola in West Africa.

  • Air Force medical trainers arrive in Monrovia

    A team of Air Force medical trainers has arrived in Monrovia, Liberia, to train non-U.S. medical personnel as part of Operation United Assistance, Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren said Oct. 30.

  • Nominations open for 2015 Fisher humanitarian award

    Air Force officials are accepting nominees for the 2015 Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher Distinguished Civilian Humanitarian Award. Completed nomination packages are due to the Air Force Personnel Center by March 19.

  • Airmen host shoe drive during Pacific Unity 14-8

    Though the official mission of Pacific Unity 14-8 is to construct two female dormitories for students at Togoba Secondary School in Papua New Guinea, Airmen deployed in support of the operation have found additional ways to give back to the community.

  • Obama praises success of humanitarian operations in Iraq

    President Barack Obama has announced an end to the siege of Iraq's Mount Sinjar where Iraqi Yezidis had fled to escape Sunni terrorists, and that U.S. airdrops to those who were trapped there will likely end. But he said airstrikes will continue to protect Americans in the country.

  • U.S. provides aid to Yezidis, strikes ISIL mortar position

    The U.S. military conducted a sixth airdrop last night of food and water for thousands of Iraqi citizens threatened by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on Mount Sinjar, Iraq, U.S. Central Command officials said. This airdrop was conducted from multiple air bases in the CENTCOM area of

  • Humanitarian assistance continues in Iraq

    The United States and Britain have flown 14 humanitarian airdrops since Aug. 7 to Yezidi refugees in the Sinjar Mountains in Iraq, a Defense Department official said Aug. 12.

  • Deployed Airmen drop supplies into Iraq

    A C-17 Globemaster III and two C-130s from undisclosed locations throughout the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility dropped 72 bundles of supplies, including food and water, to thousands of Iraqis threatened by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant near Sinjar, Iraq, Aug. 7.

  • Pacific Angel-Tonga wraps up

    More than 4,300 patients received care and five schools obtained much needed upgrades as Operation Pacific Angel 14-3, a joint and combined humanitarian mission, closed July 25.

  • Airmen treat and educate at Tonga dental clinic

    American, Australian, and Tongan dentists and technicians are working together to ensure they treat as many dental patients as possible during Pacific Angel-Tonga’s health care services outreach program July 21-25.

  • U.S., Cambodian Airmen support Pacific Angel

    Twenty engineers from the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces have spent the last four days working alongside 16 engineers from U.S. forces to provide engineering assistance to the citizens of Takeo.