NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • AF releases Future Operating Concept

    Today the Air Force officially released the Air Force Future Operating Concept, which is the latest in a series of strategic documents designed to guide the organizing, training, and equipping of the force over the coming decades.

  • Command and Control ... Total Flexibility

    Airmen employ the Air Force’s other four interdependent and enduring core missions through robust, adaptable, and survivable command and control systems. Using the specialized skills of over 53,000 command and control Airmen, the Air Force provides access to reliable communications and information

  • Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

    Since the beginnings of armed conflict, superior knowledge has been one of the keys to effective combat power. For over 100 years, Airmen have exploited the vertical dimension to gain a decisive information advantage over our foes. The evolution of globally integrated ISR has fundamentally changed

  • Air and Space Superiority

    America’s freedom to operate effectively across the spectrum of conflict rests not only on the Air Force’s ability to dominate in the air, but also on its ability to exploit space. Every day, over 15,000 Airmen play a role in ensuring space superiority. As the Nation’s space force, the Air Force

  • Rapid Global Mobility ... Delivery on demand

    American power can be projected quickly to anywhere on the face of the earth as a result of the Air Force’s capability for rapid mobility. The Air Force’s 122,000 air mobility Airmen provide swift deployment and the ability to sustain operations by delivering essential equipment and personnel for

  • Global Strike ... Any target, any time

    Global strike, a significant portion of America’s deterrence capability, means that the Nation can project military power more rapidly, more flexibly, and with a lighter footprint than other military options. With the expertise of over 26,000 Airmen, the Air Force’s nuclear and conventional

  • The Power of Airmen

    The effectiveness of Air Force airpower comes directly from thepower of Airmen. While it is natural to define the Air Force interms of its aircraft, missiles, or satellites, in reality, the Service’sunmatched capabilities exist only and precisely because of theimagination, innovation, and dedication

  • The Enduring Importance of Airpower

    In January 2013, the United States Air Force released a vision statement that focuses on “Airmen, Mission, and Innovation.”In addition to recognizing Airmen as the power behind the Air Force and acknowledging the importance of innovation toour story, the vision encourages Airmen to understand and

  • America's Asymmetric Advantage

    From airpower’s earliest days, Airmen working together have exploitedtechnology to provide essential knowledge and information on whenand where to act, to move people and materials when and whereneeded, to control the ultimate high ground, and to strike where andwhen desired. In building the Air

  • Airmen + Core Missions = Global Vigilance, Global Reach, Global Power

    No single core mission offers only one of the three effects of airpower—Global Vigilance, Global Reach, or Global Power—because all five core missions are necessary to provide the integrated global airpower effects that only the Air Force cansupply. And each Airman, regardless of their

  • Air Force Core Missions

    Airmen bring to the Nation’s military portfolio five interdependent and integrated core missions that have endured sincePresident Truman originally assigned airpower roles and missions to the Air Force in 1947. Although the way we do themwill constantly evolve, the Air Force will continue to perform

  • Air Force Vision

    America is—and always will be—an aerospace nation. To fully realize the Nation’s aerospace potential, President Truman established an independent Air Force in 1947 to better protect America, its citizens, and its allies. From this beginning, we have grown airpower into the ability to project global

  • Message from CSAF

    Since the Air Force was born in 1947, the core missions of the United States Air Force haven’t fundamentally changed.