Nov. 5, 2020 Air Force updates travel screening process for EFMP families Members selected for an assignment will automatically receive an email with a link to MyVector to begin the screening process. Medical clearance is required for all Exceptional Family Member Program families preparing to PCS, and for those members selected for an overseas assignment.
Aug. 12, 2020 New Medical Provider Trends Dashboard Available for Members Airmen and Space Professionals relocating on a permanent change of station with dependents are now able to access a Medical Provider Trends Dashboard that provides historical medical services information at Department of the Air Force installations.“The dashboard provides two years of historical
May 15, 2019 Air Force to pay up to $500 for spouse occupational license transfer during PCS The Air Force announced the spouse relicensure reimbursement program, May 15, which would provide financial relief up to $500 to Airmen whose spouses must obtain state occupational relicensures or recertifications during a permanent change of station or assignment across state lines.
April 30, 2019 Limited professional gear allowed during PCS As the permanent change of station peak season approaches, Air Force officials are reminding Airmen to review the Department of Defense policy on transportation of professional gear to avoid costly charges.
Nov. 7, 2018 Advance assignments now available to Airmen deploying for 365-day Extended Deployments Effective Nov. 1, active duty Airmen selected for an extended deployment may apply to receive an advance assignment up to 16 months prior to the projected Report Not Later Than Date of the assignment.
April 23, 2018 Airman to attend medical degree prep Staff Sgt. Shane Berger, airborne linguist with the 755th Operational Support Squadron, was one of nine enlisted Airmen selected to attend a medical degree preparatory course.
March 16, 2018 AFPC conducts test of revised Base of Preference program on seven career fields Beginning April 2018, the Air Force’s Personnel Center will launch a test on how it delivers information to Airmen for the Base of Preference program. The test will provide increased visibility of available locations to Airmen in seven Air Force Specialty Codes, to start. If the program proves
Oct. 2, 2017 Household goods, vehicle shipment programs for DoD consolidated under USTRANSCOM The U.S. Transportation Command is now the single manager of the Defense Personal Property Program, or referred to as DP3, which oversees the Defense Department’s household goods and privately-owned vehicle shipment programs.