NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • BLUE: The Quantum Frontier

    In the race to master and harness advanced technology, the Air Force is making strides within quantum research, bringing “Q-Day” to fruition sooner. Q-Day, or the day all Airmen have access to quantum technology, is the ultimate goal. The Air Force Research Laboratory is leading the way into the

  • AFRL licenses second technology to local firm

    This marker, along with a second patent by Brott and his team involving infrared phosphor technology, has recently been licensed to Battle Sight Technologies, which expands to their existing collection of infrared technologies. This technology works similarly to the dials on a watch, absorbing

  • AFRL achieves “shocking” materials technology breakthrough

    The Air Force Research Laboratory, along with research partners at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Washington, are working to change the shape of materials technology with a breakthrough development that could open up a new range of possibilities for the military and beyond.

  • AF Research Laboratory materials engineer receives prestigious award

    An engineer with the Air Force Research Laboratory Materials and Manufacturing Directorate was honored with the American Society for Testing and Materials International Award of Merit at a ceremony May 3 in San Antonio for his work in the area of metals fatigue and fracture.