NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • AFCEC awards leases for 5G service at all CONUS bases

    In collaboration with the Office of the Chief Information Officer, the AFCEC Installations Directorate granted 25-year leases to private entities to install commercial broadband networks at DAF installations in the United States.

  • 7th MXG leverages new technology

    The 7th Maintenance Group recently fielded its first-ever wireless communication system during a B-1B Lancer launch, becoming the first B-1B unit to receive and utilize the headsets. 

  • Department of the Air Force WAGGI survey release

    The ‘Where Airmen and Guardians Get Information’ survey provides department leaders and communication professionals with insights on how to provide Airmen and Guardians with relevant information through multiple internal and external sources.

  • Cyber commandos offer unique capability for joint force

    In today's technology saturated world, the warfighter relies on cyber professionals like those at the 919th Special Operations Communications Squadron to provide seamless communication and agile support in rapidly changing environments.

  • AFIMSC centralizes critical communication capability with standup of PMO

    The PMO will provide centralized management of the core LMR network and subscriber procurements for all Airmen and Guardians. Traditionally, management of the program was handled at the major command level. Through this initiative, the office aims to improve service and save the Air and Space Forces

  • Air Force readies for return to enhanced CHES collaboration

    As Microsoft Commercial Virtual Remote Teams phases out on June 15, a cross-functional team of Air Force communication and acquisition experts are working diligently to welcome the workforce back to the enterprise Office 365 platform, primed to offer more robust features than ever before.

  • Joint training strengthens air defense capability

    The U.S. Air Force 726th Air Control Squadron (ACS), from Mountain Home AFB, and U.S. Army 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade, or ADA BDE, from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, are integrating their radar, communication networks and defense systems to increase readiness and joint operation efficiency.

  • SATURN radio connects U.S. forces to allies

    To improve communication with allies, the Air-to-Ground, Tactical Data Links team, headquartered at Hanscom Air Force Base, has been working to provide the Department of Defense with an anti-jam, hack-proof, and high-frequency radio system.

  • AFMC, ACC expand weapons system collaboration

    Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., Air Force Materiel Command commander and Gen. Mike Holmes, Air Combat Command commander, signed a memorandum of agreement establishing the Lead Wing Collaboration Program during the Technology and Acquisition Sustainment Review Conference Jan. 29, at Joint Base

  • AFMC seeks innovative ideas through IdeaScale Campaign

    Airmen and civilians from across the enterprise are invited to submit innovative ideas and solutions to improve the AFMC mission through the Air Force Ideation Platform, or IdeaScale, now through September 2020.

  • Ninth annual African Air Chiefs Symposium comes to an end

    The ninth annual African Air Chiefs Symposium concluded following four days of collaboration and strategic communications between air chiefs and senior leaders from 35 African air forces along with senior leadership from U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa.

  • OTS: ‘The assignment I never knew I needed’

    Sometimes there are things in life that happen to you that are so unexpected that you fail to comprehend their inherent value. Such was the case for me in my assignment to Officer Training School.

  • Communication on demand

    The 386th Expeditionary Communications Squadron trains with a communication fly-away kit for these what-if scenarios.

  • Air Force to institute new method to protect PII

    Air Force officials announced Feb. 6, 2018, emails containing personally identifiable information, and similar numeric constructs, will be blocked from transmission unless the email is encrypted. For members unable to send or receive encrypted emails, members will be directed to utilize the AMRDEC

  • Wellness for mission success – manage stress

    This is the second in a four-part series on how individual wellness contributes to mission success and why it’s beneficial for Reserve Citizen Airmen to preserve health, manage stress, create balance and find meaning.

  • Visualizing threats: A decade of threat modeling

    Dynamic explosions, missile launches and air-to-air dogfights are just a few animations the National Air and Space Intelligence Center threat visualization team create to help communicate potential threats in the world.

  • Airmen discuss one of the little-known best jobs in Air Force

    If you’re an Airman with technical skills, an outstanding performer who always meets physical training standards and has completed all military and other education requirements, the 844th Communications Squadron may have a job for you. The jobs themselves vary, but all involve working as part of the

  • USAFE switchboard operators connect, assist globally

    "USAFE switchboard operator, how may I help you?" is a short phrase that many U.S. Air Forces in Europe consolidated switchboard users may be familiar with. The 40 members of the Telephone Operations Facility, located on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, work 24/7, 365 days a year to service not only

  • Silent Sentry meets a decade of interstellar combat support

    Operation Silent Sentry was part of a proof of concept system in 2005. Back then, several Airmen were deployed to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, for 120 days. The mission was to test the capabilities of a new defensive counter-space system in support of joint warfighters in the area of responsibility and

  • Military mail changes to save $4 million annually

    Changes to military postal operations will save the Defense Department $4 million annually while providing services comparable to those of any U.S. Postal Service office, a senior Military Postal Service Agency said.

  • 45th Space Wing supports SpaceX Thaicom 6 mission

    The Air Force's 45th Space Wing provided Eastern Range support to the successful launch of the Thaicom 6 communications satellite from Space Launch Complex 40 at 5:06 p.m. Jan 6 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.

  • Roll Call returns, encourages face-to-face communication

    Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody is bringing Roll Call back to the Air Force. Roll Call is designed to deliver messages to the field from senior Air Force leadership for Airmen to use as a topic of discussion when they gather for daily or weekly meetings.