Roll Call returns, encourages face-to-face communication

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WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody is bringing Roll Call back to the Air Force.


Roll Call is designed to deliver messages to the field from senior Air Force leadership for Airmen to use as a topic of discussion when they gather for daily or weekly meetings.

“Our Air Force has long valued each and every Airman,” writes Cody in the first Roll Call message.  “Yet over time we’ve gravitated to communication methods that easily fall short of the personal connection we need to solidify the value we place in each other.”


Cody said Roll Call is just one way he hopes to improve communication both to and amongst Airmen at all levels.


“It’s not the solution to poor communication, but it is a step forward in the right direction,” he said.  “Roll Call reminds us that we need to communicate with each other, and that doesn’t mean sending an email, it means getting together as a group and continuing a dialogue.”


Roll Call began in late 2006 under the direction of then Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Rodney McKinley as weekly products Airmen could read during morning meetings or weekly gatherings. This time around, Roll Call will be a little different. The Air Staff will send messages as needed - at least once a month - and all the messages will have an overarching focus, according to Cody.


“Airmen must understand how they are moving us toward the Air Force vision and how important they are to the Air Force mission,” says Cody. “The messages we deliver will help make that clear. They will focus on how Airmen are winning the fight, strengthening the team, and shaping the future.”


In his first Roll Call, Cody lays out his vision, reminding Airmen that face-to-face communication is critical to future success.


“Roll Calls provide the venue to connect with your Airmen, which builds trust and confidence and ultimately strengthens the team,” he said.  “Airmen have questions and concerns -- we need to be there to provide answers and address these concerns. Airmen also have great ideas -- we need to bring them to the forefront.”


To download and read the entire Roll Call message, click here.