Air Force Review Boards Agency

The Air Force Review Boards Agency mission is to ensure due process, equity, fairness and impartial treatment for all individuals who request our services.

The Air Force Review Boards Agency (AFRBA) was established to streamline the adjudication of military and civilian personnel matters through a number of statutory and secretarial boards. The Agency reports directly to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (SAF/MR). The AFRBA is located in the Jones Building at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.

The AFRBA mission is to ensure due process, equity, fairness and impartial treatment for all individuals who request our services.

The Air Force Review Boards Agency was established as a Field Operating Agency (FOA) in 1991, providing management of various military and civilian appellate processes through the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) and is organized into seven directorates:

· Personnel Security Appeal Board (PSAB) - Adjudicates appeals of security eligibility/clearance withdrawals by the AFCAF (Air Force Central Adjudication Facility). The PSAB determines if the appellant should have their eligibility reinstated or if their appeal should be denied.

· DoD Physical Disability Board of Review (PDBR) - By Congressional mandate, will review any applications submitted by personnel that received a disability rating of 20% or less from all services between Sep 11, 2001 and Dec 31, 2009. As the DoD Lead Component, the Air Force, through SAF/MRB, oversees operation of the PDBR.

· Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR) - Is a statutory board of civilians considering applications for correction of military records submitted by Air Force members (Regular, Guard, and Reserve), former members of the Air Force, or persons with a proper interest in the correction of a person's military record.

· Review Boards Office at Randolph AFB, Texas - Serves as the initial and final point of contact when processing applications for correction of military records for the AFBCMR, Discharge Review Board (DRB), and the PDBR. They also serve as liaisons to the Boards and Air Staff offices of primary responsibility on various policy and procedural changes regarding application processing and staff advisory opinions.

· The Executive Support Office (MRBE) - Provides administrative, communication, IT, personnel and logistic support for all directorates within the Agency. MRBE is directly responsible to the AFRBA Director and is dedicated to support maximum capability and efficiency throughout the seven directorates.

· Secretary of the Air Force Personnel Council (SAFPC) - Acts for, recommends to, and announces decisions on behalf of SECAF for a variety of military personnel issues. SAFPC is comprised of five (5) boards:
AF Personnel Board: Charged with reviewing and acting on military personnel matters requiring Secretarial level review
AF Discharge Review Board: Statutory Board that examines an applicant's administrative discharge and may change the characterization of service and/or the reason for the discharge based on standards of equity or propriety
AF Decorations Board: Acts on behalf of the Secretary in reviewing recommendations for all high level decorations and awards
AF Clemency and Parole Board: assists the SECAF in executing parole, clemency, and return to duty authorities established by law
DoD Civilian/Military Service Review Board: Assists the Secretary of Defense in determining if civilian service in support of the U.S. Armed Forces during a period of armed conflict is equivalent to active military service for VA benefits
AF Personnel Board: Charged with reviewing and acting on military personnel matters requiring Secretarial level review

· Air Force Civilian Appellate Review Office (AFCARO) - Processes and adjudicates discrimination complaints and administrative grievances filed by civilian employees and applicants filed against the Air Force. AFCARO analyzes grievances and complaints, recommends final Air Force decisions to the Director, AFRBA, and is the AF liaison to EEOC in all matters involving discrimination complaints