Air Force Inspection Agency The Air Force Inspection Agency, headquartered at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, is a Field Operating Agency (FOA) that reports to the Secretary of the Air Force Inspector General (SAF/IG). MISSION Inform and enable leaders at all levels to strengthen readiness and lethality VISION The core of the Air Force Inspection System — empowering commanders and driving change to advance Air Force priorities MOTTO "Strength Through Vigilance" AFIA’S PRIORITIES 1. Provide independent perspective and integrated inspector general picture of Air Force readiness, nuclear surety and organizational effectiveness 2. Equip commanders and senior leaders with relevant reports, tools and training for Inspectors General 3. Recruit, develop and advocate for inspector general Airmen Organization AFIA is composed of six directorates: Enterprise Support, Inspections, Medical Operations, Mission Support, Nuclear Inspections, and Oversight and Evaluation. Duties and Responsibilities • Integrates medical inspectors with major command (MAJCOM) inspector general (IG) teams to conduct Unit Effectiveness Inspections (UEI) • Collaborates with the Air Force Surgeon General’s office, the Air Force Medical Operations Agency and the MAJCOM on policies and procedures pertaining to UEIs • Inspects radioactive material permits issued to authorized Air Force users under the master materials license granted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission • Provides oversight of MAJCOM-conducted Nuclear Surety Inspections (NSI) and select initial NSIs to assess MAJCOM IG performance and provide The Inspector General (TIG), Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) and Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF) an independent perspective of the safety, security and reliability of units and nuclear weapons • Integrates a Core Team of nuclear inspectors with MAJCOM IG teams to conduct NSIs • Provides standardized basic, nuclear and management inspection training for Air Force inspectors and augmentees • Observes the conduct and performance of MAJCOM IG teams during all inspection types and provides feedback to IGs and SAF/IG on their effectiveness to improve and standardize processes across the Air Force Inspection System (AFIS) • Independently conducts unit effectiveness, management, statutory and special interest item inspections for Air Force-level forward operating agencies and direct reporting units • When directed, evaluates and reports on high-impact, high-visibility programs that are of significant interest to SecAF, CSAF or SAF/IG • Serves as the Air Force gatekeeper to manage the centralized Air Force inspection schedule which includes all inspection activities by external, non-Air Force agencies • Consolidates and reports statutory information to Congress and the Department of Defense • Provides subject-matter expertise related to training, inspections and other activities directed or supported by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3263.05B, Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspections • Plans and conducts management inspections of Air Force MAJCOM HQs and Air Staff Directorates to report on their efficiency, economy and discipline • Conducts Air Force-wide analysis on IG inspections to identify systemic issues, trends and leading indicators across the Air Force allowing senior leaders to make data-driven decisions • Manages the Inspector General Inspection Reporting System (TIGIRS), a collection of information technology systems and capabilities that provide inspection scheduling, planning, execution, and post-inspection analysis and reporting • Prepares and publishes The Inspector General (TIG) brief which communicates to the Air Force relevant information about the full spectrum of IG activities • Maintains an appropriate staff to provide legal reviews and recommendations to the command team • Processes UEI surveys for all MAJCOM IG • Provides A1 and A6 support for all AFIA personnel • Serves as the lead agent for Air Force Wounded, Ill, and Injured inspection History AFIA traces its roots back to 1927 when the U.S. Army Chief of the Air Corps established an Inspection Division to perform technical inspections in support of flight safety objectives. By the end of World War II, this function was aligned under the Air Inspector. In July 1948, Air Force Letter No. 20-4 directed consolidation of Headquarters U.S. Air Force inspection activities at Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, and provided for inspectors general at echelons of command below Headquarters U.S. Air Force. On Sept. 20, 1950, the Vice Chief of Staff authorized the creation of a Directorate of Technical Inspections at Norton AFB, California. Organized operations began in February 1951 with 128 officers, 29 noncommissioned officers and 31 civilians. Duties for this function included evaluations of and recommended improvements to the maintenance, modification and overhaul of aircraft, related components and equipment. To complete the consolidation of activities required for effectively conducting its technical inspection mission, in Aug. 1951, the Deputy IG at Norton AFB subsumed the Directorate of Procurement and Supply Inspection which was transferred from the Pentagon. By the end of 1952, the Directorate of Readiness Inspection was also moved from the Deputy IG at Kelly AFB to Norton AFB to become the Directorate of Readiness and Materiel Inspections. On Jan. 7, 1963, the Deputy Inspectors General for Safety and Inspections were combined to establish the U.S. Air Force Deputy Inspector General; however, safety activities were still divided. The Directorate of Aerospace Safety remained at Norton AFB while the Directorate of Nuclear Safety resided at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. Under this plan, a single deputy was responsible for the Air Force Inspection System and safety programs. In July 1964, the Office of Assistant for Medical Services was formed within the Deputy Inspector General organization, and the first legal advisor was assigned in June 1965. On Dec. 31, 1971, the Air Force Inspection and Safety Center was activated to replace the 1002nd Inspector General Group. As a result of the Goldwater-Nichols Act, the Inspector General moved directly under the Secretary of the Air Force in Sept. 1986. During this period, AFISC began planning for a new concept of multi-MAJCOM inspections, which were implemented in 1987 and1988. Congress approved closure of Norton AFB in 1990, and AFISC began initial planning to move its operation to Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. In August 1991, the center was divided into the Air Force Inspection Agency and the Air Force Safety Agency, now the Air Force Safety Center. Both organizations settled at Kirtland AFB in July 1993. (Current as of November 2019)