June 18, 2003 GBU-15 Guided Bomb Unit The Guided Bomb Unit or GBU-15 is an unpowered, glide weapon used to destroy high value enemy targets. It was designed for use with F-15E, F-111F and F-4 aircraft, but the U.S. Air Force is currently only deploying it from the F-15E Strike Eagle.
Aug. 28, 2006 GBU-39B Small Diameter Bomb Weapon System The GBU-39B Small Diameter Bomb, or SDB, is an extended range all-weather, day or night 250-pound class, guided munition. The SDB relies on the Global Positioning System to provide navigation to the target.
March 18, 2013 Guardian Angel Guardian Angel is uniquely designed and dedicated to conduct Personnel Recovery across the full range of military operations and during all phases of joint, coalition, and combined operations.