Academy Cadet Wing returns to daily schedule

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The Cadet Wing has returned to its daily schedule of calls and cadets' off-duty privileges have been reinstated, academy officials announced Feb. 13.

Lt. Gen. John F. Regni, the academy superintendent, restricted the entire 4,300-member Cadet Wing to the campus Feb. 7 after a cheating incident involving at least 28 freshmen. 

In an address to the cadets, staff, faculty, coaches, commanders and military trainers Feb. 13, General Regni said, "Effective immediately, we will resume our mission with the daily schedule of calls. But we are not 'business as usual' or 'ops normal.' We are in 'ops forward,' as we have much yet to accomplish."

The general restricted the cadets to campus Feb. 7, challenging them to take a hard, introspective look at their conduct and image. He asked them to come together over the weekend, called a "Character Commitment Weekend," to discuss and plan a new direction for the academy.

He was pleased with their efforts and enthusiasm in meeting his challenge.

"I am satisfied the wing has taken one large, necessary pensive step backward, and four larger steps forward," the general told the cadets. "One very important step embracing honor as the fiber of our daily lives. Another accepting our high standards as important and necessary. A third toward accountability and individual cadet behavior that visibly portrays what the academy stands for. And, another step, re-instilling pride in the Cadet Wing." 

"I want to impress on each of you that these last six days do not translate to mission accomplished," General Regni said. "This has not been one item on an Air Force checklist we can check and say it's complete, and put it in our subconscious or rearview mirror. These past few days have been but a start, and we will continue to stress and display honor and character, respect for human dignity, and pride in all of your -- and our actions."

Earlier Feb. 13, the superintendent and academy senior staff members were briefed about the outcomes of the Character Commitment Weekend by Cadet Colonel Joshua Gramm, the Cadet Wing commander, and his staff. Cadet Gramm outlined some of the weekend's activities and how the Cadet Wing used this time to recommit to the Air Force Academy honor code and Air Force core values. The cadets and staff discussed the formation of a character task force to review all of the ideas from this weekend's activities and develop an execution plan.

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