Air Force Learning Professionals’ online Communities of Practice now available

  • Published
  • By Larisa Langley, Ctr
  • Air Education and Training Command

The newly created Air Force Learning Professionals’ online Communities of Practice are now available in MilSuite.

These Communities of Practice include pathways to address objectives designed to advance force development as outlined in the Air Education and Training Command Strategic Action Plan and address knowledge and skills gaps identified in a learning professional training gap analysis study conducted by AETC’s A9 Innovation and Analysis directorate.

“We’re so excited to see this concept come to life,” said Dr. Angela Canada, AETC/A3B Division chief. “By building a place for people coming from the education, training, learning and development space get up to speed with the foundations of what’s required for those positions, the Communities of Practice are where newcomers can align with Air Force learning processes and methodologies. These communities will also spark curiosity through conversations and idea sharing while encouraging innovation.”

Lifelong learning is an essential tenant within the Air Force education and training community and the announcement these new communities of practice are now open to all Air Force learning professionals comes as many are working to increase opportunities for professional development.

“The Air Force Learning Professionals’ Communities of Practice also enable discovery of the latest trends, encourage discussion and professional growth,” Canada said. “This venue provides a collaborative space to engage with each other, where opportunities will arise for appreciation of continuous lifelong learning.”

Within the Learning Professionals Communities of Practice are pages for Learning and Development Basics, Needs Analysis, Instructional Design, Content Development and E-Learning Technologies, Delivery and Facilitation of Learning, and Evaluation, Resourcing and Return on Investment, Canada said.

“Each subject has curated content and a page for social and collaborative learning, while the Project Hub portion is available for crowd-sourcing for small development projects,” Canada said. “Members can also post requests for assistance or volunteer to assist with an existing request.”

MilSuite is a collection of online applications that promote secure workforce collaboration and information-sharing behind the Department of Defense firewall, with capabilities similar to commercial social media platforms. The Air Force Learning Professionals’ Communities of Practice integrates MilSuite capabilities within a community environment for military and civilian members in the Department of Defense.

To engage on the Communities of Practice page, visit (CAC enabled users only):

For more information on Air Force learning professionals visit or

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